The original text of Overlord Xiang Yu committing suicide in Wujiang River

Wujiang committed suicide

King Xiang's army lay down on the wall. The few soldiers were exhausted, and the Han army and the princes were surrounded by heavy soldiers. Hearing at night that the Han army was besieged on all sides, King Xiang was shocked and said: "Have all the Han troops been in Chu? How many people are there in Chu!" King Xiang got up at night and drank in his tent. There is a beautiful woman named Yu, who is often lucky to follow her; a horse named Zou, whom she often rides on. So Xiang Wangnai's tragic song is generous, and he wrote his own poem: "Strengthen the mountain and the world is overwhelming, but the times are not good and the time is not gone. What can be done if the time is not going away, what can be done if the time is on the horizon!" There are many songs, and the beauty is in harmony with it. King Xiang wept for several lines, everyone on his left and right wept, and no one could look up.

So King Xiang mounted his horse, and more than 800 of his strong warriors, cavalry and servants, broke through the siege and went south at night, galloping away. In Pingming, the Han army was aware of it and ordered the cavalry general Guan Ying to pursue it with five thousand cavalry. King Xiang crossed the Huaihe River, riding more than a hundred capable men. When King Xiang went to Yinling, he lost his way and asked Yi Tian's father. Tian Fuling said: "Zuo." Zuo fell into the swamp and was pursued by the Han Dynasty. King Xiang then led his troops east again. When they reached the east city, they had twenty-eight horses. Thousands of Han cavalry chased him. King Xiang was unable to escape, so he said to his cavalry: "It has been eight years since I raised the army, and I have fought more than seventy battles. Those who fought were defeated, and those who attacked were subjugated. I was not defeated, and I conquered the world. But now my soldiers are trapped here. This is It is not a crime of war that Heaven will kill me. I will definitely die today. I wish to fight quickly for you, and I will win three times. I will break the siege for you, kill the generals, and cut down the flag, so that you will know that Heaven will kill me, and it is not a crime of war. It's a crime." Then he divided his cavalry into four teams and marched in four directions. The Han army was heavily surrounded. King Xiang said to his cavalry: "I am the Duke and take one of the other generals." He ordered his cavalry to ride down from all directions, and there were three places in Shandong. So King Xiang shouted and galloped down, and the Han army was invincible, so he killed a Han general. At that time, Chiquanhou was a cavalry commander and chased King Xiang. King Xiang scolded him with angry eyes. Chiquanhou's men and horses were frightened and moved several miles away. There are three places for riding. The Han army did not know where King Xiang was, so they divided their army into three and encircled him again. King Xiang Naichi killed one of the Han captains again, killed dozens of hundreds of people, gathered his cavalry again, and killed two of his cavalry. He said to his cavalry: "What's the matter?" The cavalry all fell down and said: "As the king said!"

So King Xiang wanted to cross the Wujiang River eastward. The leader of the Wujiang Pavilion was waiting with his boat, and he said to King Xiang: "Although Jiangdong is small, the area is thousands of miles away, and there are hundreds of thousands of people, which is enough for a king. May the king rush to cross. Now I only have a boat, and the Han army is coming, and there is no way to cross." King Xiang laughed and said, "If heaven destroys me, how can I cross the river? I crossed the river to the west with eight thousand people from Jiangdong, but no one has returned. Even if my father and brother from Jiangdong take pity on me, how can I see them?" He didn't say anything. Is it true?" He said to the pavilion leader: "I know that my father is a five-year-old horse. He is invincible and can travel thousands of miles in a day. I can't bear to kill him, so I give it to you. "He ordered all the cavalry to dismount and walk, and engage in battle with short soldiers. Duji killed hundreds of Han soldiers. King Xiang was also injured more than ten times. When he saw Ma Tong, the commander of Han Dynasty riding on horseback, Lu, he asked, "What if he is not an old friend of mine?" Ma Tong looked at him, pointed at Wang Yi and said, "This is the king." King Xiang said, "I heard that Han bought my head for a thousand gold pieces, and the town. Ten thousand households, I am Ruode." He committed suicide.

Tai Shigong said: I heard that Zhou Sheng said, "Shun's eyes are covered with heavy pupils", and I also heard that Xiang Yu also had heavy pupils. Why is his descendant so evil? What a violent incident! Husband Qin lost his power and Chen She was in trouble. Heroes arose in droves and fought with each other, innumerable. However, Yu did not have the size, so he took advantage of the momentum and rose up in Long Mu. In three years, he destroyed the Qin Dynasty and divided the world with five princes. Also, it would be difficult for Ji Yubei to care about Chu, banish the Righteous Emperor and establish himself on his own, and blame the princes for betraying him. He is proud of his merits and exploits his private wisdom rather than imitating the ancients. It is said that the overlord's business is to conquer and manage the world with force. Five years later, his country was destroyed and he died in Dongcheng. He still didn't feel sleepy and didn't blame himself. It was too late.

It is not absurd to quote, "It is not the crime of using troops to destroy me."