What are the elements of music?

Music is an art that expresses people's thoughts and feelings and reflects real life with organized music sounds. Its basic elements are rhythm and melody. It is divided into vocal music and instrumental music.

it is impossible to find out when music began to exist in human society. Before human beings produced language, they already knew how to express their meaning and feelings by using the level and strength of sound.

With the development of human labor, the chant of unifying labor rhythm and the cry of transmitting information to each other have gradually emerged, which is the most primitive musical prototype; When people celebrate the harvest and share the fruits of labor, they often beat stone tools and wood to express their joy and joy, which is the embryonic form of the original musical instrument.

music is a performing art. It is different from painting, poetry and other arts. Artists create works and then display or publish them. Music composers need musicians to interpret and perform their works. Therefore, most music performances are actually the cooperation between composers and performers.

Music also plays an important role in other arts. Opera combines singing with music. Ballet and other forms of dance need music to help dancers with their steps. Movies use music to help set the mood and introduce actions or enhance the influence on the audience.

Musical is one of the oldest arts. People may start singing at the beginning of a language. Playing hunting tools together may be the first musical instrument. Around 1 BC, ancient people made flutes with hollow bones. The first music written can be traced back to around 25 BC.

there are two main types of western music: classical music and pop music. Symphony, opera and ballet are classical music. Writing and acting are usually difficult. The musician who plays it needs a lot of training. Pop music includes country music, folk music, jazz and rock music. It's easier to perform and understand.