What are the good lyrics of the song "Have you seen him"?

Let me try to answer this question. After listening to this song once or twice today, I began to feel that the word "he is like a virus" is wonderful, and I feel that many people will like this word. But if you look at it carefully for the second time, I think the sentence "Have you seen him folding frogs with newspapers?" is simply wonderful.

I don't have good analytical skills either. Let me just say how I feel about this sentence.

"Folding frogs with newspapers" actually gives people a somewhat unsightly and vulgar feeling. "He" must be a boy with deadly attraction like a virus, which seems to have nothing to do with "folding frogs with newspapers", but when you think about it, a handsome guy with unlimited scenery and a perfect boy will have different times. Is it like a face that will only be displayed in front of the person you know best, or are you just obsessed with his beautiful appearance and don't find more faces?

Fold a frog with a newspaper. Have you ever seen him like this? Will you like it when you see it? Maybe you'll never see it again

I feel that this kind of singing gives me an unattainable feeling, and some cover versions say that there is a secret love. Anyway, I think sometimes it's just a feeling. For example, I thought, "Have you seen the one who folded frogs with newspapers?" It's really great.

Of course, nothing feels normal, a thousand spectators and a thousand hamlets ~

Listen more if you like, and you will have more feelings.