2. Wang Wei's name is Mosha, and his name is Mosha Jushi, who belongs to Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. Wang Wei was an outstanding poet in China in the Tang Dynasty. In addition, he also made some achievements in painting, but he achieved the highest in poetry creation. The theme of Wang Wei's poems is the most prominent. He is good at writing about scenery, and many beautiful sentences about it have been circulated for a long time, such as; "The rivers and lakes are white at sunset, and the tide is blue", "The desert is lonely and straight, and the long river sets the yen" and so on.
3. Wang Wei's poems emphasize the creation of artistic conception. There are paintings in poems and poems in paintings are the most important features of Wang Wei's poems. In poetry creation, Wang Wei is very good at using artistic composition to create, which is also inseparable from his profound attainments in painting. In addition, because Wang Wei believes in Buddhism, many of his poems also reveal Zen philosophy.