List of Jorge Luis Borges' Works

Category of works Name of works Year Poetry "Red Melody" Los Ritmos Rojos1918 "The Moon in Front" Luna de enfrente 1925 "Notes of San Martin" Cuaderno San Martín 1929 "Another, the same" El otro " El mismo 1964 tiebi La moneda de hierro 1976 "The Passion of Buenos Aires" The Passion of Buenos Aires Meade o Espe Lanza 1926 Essay "What is Buddhism? 》? What is Budesmo? 1976 biography of evaristo Callego, essays, novels, biography of villains, children's world history, 1935 garden with forked paths, El Jardí n de Senderosque Sebifurcan, 1944 novels. Brody reports El informe de Brodie 1970 Book of Sand El Libra de Arena1975 Dream Book Libro de sue? OS1976 Alef El Aleph1949 Invention, Shakespeare's Memory La Memoria de Shakespeare1983 Short Story Library of Babel La biblioteca de Babel 1944 Ring Ruins Las ru. Innas Bulletin 1944 Poetry Preface Collection Deep Rose Prólogos 1975 Poetry Prose Collection Adrogue Lecture Collection Borges Oral Tanabata Siete noches 1980 Prose Comment Collection Preface Integration.