When Su Dongpo was twenty years old, he went to Beijing to take the imperial examination. There are six conceited juren who look down on him, discuss the preparation of appetizers, invite Su Dongpo to dinner, and intentionally tease him. Su Dongpo went with pleasure after receiving the invitation.
Before the chopsticks were moved, a juren put forward a drinking order, and historical figures and events must be cited, so that a dish can be eaten alone after the order. The other five people cheered again and again.
"I'll go first." The elder said, "Jiang Ziya is fishing in Weishui!" Then I took a plate of fish.
"Qin Changan sells horses!" The second one proudly took the horse meat away.
"To Tu Thanh is herding sheep in Beihu Lake!" The third man took the mutton without weakness.
"Zhang Yide Zhuoxian sells meat!" The fourth reached out and barbecued.
"Guan Yunchang Jingzhou scraping bones!" The fifth one couldn't wait to take the bone.
"Zhuge Liang grows vegetables in Longzhong!" The sixth proudly picked up the last dish of vegetables.
When all the dishes were served, the six juren were happily preparing to laugh at Su Dongpo while eating, but Su Dongpo lost no time in striking the table and shouting, "Qin Shihuang annexed six countries!"
Say that finish, six dishes are served in front, and six juren can only look on.
Cleverly scold corrupt officials
When Su Dongpo was an official in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, he once traveled incognito, went to the state capital and went to a relative's house for his birthday. None of the guests present knew that he was a great writer Su Dongpo.
In the banquet room, someone suggested, "Let's have some wine. What do you think? " At that time, the magistrate Yang Gui and the county magistrate Wang Bi were also present, both of whom were corrupt officials.
Wang Bi said, "I'll go first. Friends for two months, the same color frost and snow; I don't know which month it will be frosty, and I don't know which month it will snow. "
Another official then recited: "A mountain is two words, coal and charcoal of the same color;" I don't know which mountain produces coal, and I don't know which mountain produces carbon. "
Yang Gui also shook his head and said, "A Lv Zi has two mouths, and tea and wine are the same color; I don't know where to drink tea, I don't know where to drink tea. "
At this time, Su Dongpo chanted: "One word is 21, and the turtles are the same color; I don't know which one is the tortoise, and I don't know which one is the tortoise. "
As soon as Su Dongpo finished reading, Wang Bi woke up: Well, "turtle" and "expensive", "turtle" and "pen" are homophonic. Isn't this an insult to Yang Gui and my Wang Bi?
He immediately pointed to Su Dongpo and shouted, "fanatic, how dare you curse!"
Su Dongpo said, "If you want to swear, I think what you just recited is swearing. Frost and snow can't cover the sun, coal will burn to ashes, and tea and wine will turn into urine. They are all things that will die soon. Isn't this a curse? The turtle is a symbol of longevity, and I ordered a birthday. "
Wang Bi was speechless. Yang Guifei realized that the guest had a good reason. After asking about Su Dongpo's identity, they secretly complained.