Translation of Wordsworth's poems - Urgent! !

I found an answer temporarily, I hope you will be satisfied!

For a butterfly

Stay nearby, I-don't take your flight!

Stay in sight a little longer!

A lot of reverse work, I think in yours,

Historian on my start!

Float is close to me; it has not left yet!

The dead resurrect you:

あbring'st, gay animals, as あart!

A solemn image to represent my heart,

My father’s family!

Oh! Comfortable and pleasant people's days,

At that time, in our childish drama

My sister Lin Fengyi and I

chased butterflies together!

A very hunter, I hurried

When the prey: - with a leap over the spring

Then I braked from the bush;

But She, God love her, is afraid to brush

the dust from the wings of takeoff.

Is it okay? !