It is 406,000 kilometers away from the apogee of the earth, and the average distance between the earth and the moon is 384,403.9 kilometers. The distance to the moon is now considered as an astronomical unit, and the average distance from the earth to the moon is about 10 times of the equatorial circumference of the earth.
Characteristics of the moon
The moon is 3476 kilometers in diameter, which is about 1 1/0 of the earth's diameter. The surface area of the moon is about 4/4 of the surface area of the earth, slightly smaller than that of Asia. The brightest full moon appears when the moon is closest to us, usually 30% brighter than when it is farthest away. When it is a full moon, it is closest to us. It is called the super moon.
Astronomers in ancient Greece made the first accurate estimation of the shadow measurement by relying on simple geometry. The diameter of the earth is equivalent to 12875 km or 8000 miles. How the shadow works in the long historical process is observed and recorded. When an object is placed in front of the sun, the length of the shadow it produces is always 108 times the diameter of the object itself.