The 700-mile Three Gorges, flanked by continuous mountains, is not interrupted at all; Layers of cliffs, rows of cliffs block the sky and sunshine. If it is not noon, you can't see the sun; If it's not midnight, you can't see the moon.
In summer, the rivers are everywhere, and the upstream and downstream routes are blocked. Sometimes the emperor's orders need urgent communication. At this time, as long as you leave Baidicheng in the morning and arrive in Jiangling at night, the distance between them is 1200 Li. Even if you ride a fast horse and drive a high wind, you are not as fast as a boat.
In spring and winter, you can see the white torrent swirling with clear waves, and the green pool reflects the shadows of various landscapes. On the extremely high mountain peaks, there are many grotesque pines and cypresses, with hanging springs and waterfalls between the peaks. Clear water, brilliant trees, steep mountains and lush grass are really interesting.
In autumn, when the sky just clears up or frosts in the morning, the trees and mountain streams are cool and silent. Apes often sing in high places, and their voices are continuous and very sad. There is an echo of an ape singing in the empty valley, and its voice is sad and tactful, and it will not go away for a long time. Therefore, the Three Gorges fisherman sang: "The Wuxia Gorge in the Three Gorges of Badong is long, the apes crow three times, and tears are spilled on their skirts."
Extended data:
Original text:
The Three Gorges, 700 Li, is surrounded by mountains on both sides, and there is no gap. Rocks piled up, blocking the sunshine in the sky, and there was no sunrise since midnight. As for launching Xiangling, it is along the back block. Or the king ordered an emergency notice, sometimes going to Baidicheng and going to Jiangling at dusk. During this period, although he took the wind, he didn't get sick.
In spring and summer, the green pool is surging and the reflection is clear. There are many strange cypresses, hanging springs and waterfalls, flying in the meantime, clear and brilliant, very interesting. At the beginning of every sunny day, the frost shines, the forest is cold and sad, and there are often high apes whistling, which leads to sadness, the empty valley echoes, and the sadness turns to leisurely. So the fisherman sang: "The Wuxia Gorge in the Three Gorges of Badong is long, and the apes cry three times, and tears are spilled on their skirts."
Creative background:
Li Daoyuan was born in an official family. When I was a child, I went to Shandong with my father to seek waterways. Later, he traveled the Qinling Mountains, north of Huaihe River and south of the Great Wall, inspected river valleys, collected relevant customs, historical stories, myths and legends, and created 40 volumes of Notes on Water Mirrors. Nominally, it is based on the annotation of Shui Jing Zhu, but actually it is a re-creation on the basis of Shui Jing Zhu.
This book describes 1252 rivers, and related historical sites, anecdotes, myths and legends. , nearly 1000 more than the original, the text has increased by more than 20 times, and the content is much richer than the original water mirror.
This article is a landscape work, and the author describes the natural features of the Three Gorges in less than 200 words. The full text describes the combination of dynamic and static, scene blending, emotion moving with the scene, concise and vivid.
Baidu encyclopedia-three Gorges