Xu Ruzi was nine years old, and he tasted the drama under the moon. People said, "If there is nothing in the moon, it should be extremely evil?" Xu said, "Otherwise. "For example, if a person has a pupil in his eye, he will never know without it."
Kong Wenju has two sons. The elder is six years old and the younger is five years old. My father sleeps during the day, and the younger one steals wine and drinks it at the bedside. The older one says, "Why don't you worship?" Answer: "Steal, you have to salute!"
Zhong Yu and Zhong Hui have little reputation. When they were thirteen years old, Wei Wendi heard of them and said to his father Zhong You, "You can send your second son." So see you. Yu's face was sweaty, and the emperor said, "Why is your face sweaty?" Yu said to him, "I am afraid of war and sweat like pulp." Answer session: "Why don't you sweat?" He said, "You tremble, and you dare not sweat."
Zhong Yu and Zhong Hui had a good name when they were teenagers. When they were thirteen, Wei Wendi (Cao Pi) heard about their fame and said to their father Zhong You, "Let your two sons come to see me." So he ordered a summons. When meeting Zhong Yu, there was sweat on his face. Wendi asked him, "Why is your face sweating?" Zhong Yu replied, "I was so scared that I sweated like pulp." Ask Zhong Hui again: "Why don't you sweat on your face?" Zhong Hui replied, "You tremble, you dare not sweat."
Dai Yingzhi said, "What's the first thing? I have not been able to go to Guanshi today. Please take it easy and wait for the coming year. What about it? " Mencius said, "Today, some people are busy with their neighbors' chickens every day, or tell them,' It is the way of being a gentleman.' Say,' please damage it, and the moon will be full of chickens for the next year.' -if you know that it is not righteous, you will be too fast. Why wait for the coming year? "
The original text
Yiqiu is also a good player in the country. Make Yiqiu teach two people to play chess, and one of them concentrates on it, but Yiqiu listens; Although one person listened to it, he thought that a swan was coming, so he tried to help the bow and shoot it. Although with the former person to learn chess, but chess is not as good as the former one. Is it because his intelligence is inferior to the former one? That's not true.
the overseas Chinese of the workers present the piano to Liu Ji
the overseas Chinese of the workers are well-versed and elegant, and they are the piano, and the strings are drummed, and the golden sound is echoed by the jade. I think that the beauty of the world is too common. Make the national workers look at it and say, "Fugu." Give it back.
the overseas Chinese of the workers return home, and seek for the painters to make a broken pattern; He also sought the seal-cutting workers to make an end of the past. The box is buried in the soil, and it will be released in the year, and it will be suitable for the market. It is easy for a noble person to see it with a hundred gold and offer it to the dynasties. When the music official passed the notice, they all said, "I hope the world is precious."
when the overseas Chinese heard about it, they sighed, "What a pity for the world! Is it unique? Otherwise. "
admonition book
Zhuge Liang
A gentleman's trip is quiet to cultivate one's morality and frugality to cultivate one's morality. If you don't stay in the park, you won't have a clear ambition, and if you don't be quiet, you won't be far away. If you study quietly, you must learn. If you don't study, you can't learn widely. If you don't have ambition, you can't succeed. You can't be energetic if you are slow, and you can't cure sex if you are dangerous. Years go with the times, meaning goes with the days, and then they become withered, and they don't meet the world, and they are sad to stay in the poor house. What will happen?
the rubber column drums and instruments
the original text
Qi people learned from Zhao, so they tuned first and returned with the rubber column. If you don't make a song in three years, people will blame it. Only when someone comes from Zhao and asks his meaning can you know the folly of others.
Chu people learn to sail
The original text
Chu people have learned to sail, and their initial twists and turns are slow, but the boat teacher listens. Therefore, between the small test islands, the direction is unsatisfactory, so I thought that I would do my best to operate the boat. Therefore, Xie Zhoushi was covered, and the vertebral drum went straight in, so he was eager to make a big risk. He was afraid to fall and fell into the oar.
Poetry and painting are all people-oriented
Wang Shizhen Qing Dynasty poet
Yu said that poetry and painting are all people-oriented, and the ink left by Su and Huang has been passed down to this day, with a word of gold; Don't Zhang Dun, Jing and Bian write books, and later generations regard them as dirt, and a dollar is not straight. Uncle Yong has a saying, all ancient people can write books, and the sage who is alone can spread far away, so that although Yan Lugong's books are not working, those who see them in the future will treasure them, and they will not be independent books. Poetry belongs to all. 2. Ancient poems recited in the liberal arts language requirements of the college entrance examination in 215, What are the reference articles for reciting ancient poems in classical Chinese? (1) Ancient Chinese (12 articles) The Analects of Confucius (the chapter stipulated in the Guiding Opinions on the Teaching of Experimental Chinese Subject in the New Curriculum of Ordinary Senior High Schools in Zhejiang Province) My humble opinion is too much, and Mencius exhorts me to learn (excerpt: from "a gentleman's saying" to "being impetuous with heart") and Xunzi (excerpt: from) Sima Qian submitted Ren Anshu (excerpt: from "the ancients became rich and lost their fame" to "it's hard for the layman to say anything") Sima Qian's preface to Lanting Collection, Wang Xizhi's preface to Teng Wangge's poems (excerpt: from "Shi Wei September" to "How effective it is to cry at the end of the road"), Wang Boshi said that Han Yu's Epang Palace was endowed with Du Muqiu. Su Xun Red Cliff Fu Su Shi (II) Poems and Songs of Ancient Poetry (12 pieces) Fisherman's Songs of the South is difficult for Li Bai to climb the road, Du Fu to play the pipa, Bai Juyi, Jin Se, Li Shangyin, Yu Meiren (when is the spring flower and autumn moon), Li Yu, Butterfly Lovers (threshold chrysanthemum, sorrow, smoke, blue tears), Yan Shu Yulinling (chilling), Liu Yong, Nian Nujiao? Nostalgia in Chibi Su Shi's voice is slow (looking for it). Is Li Qingzhao happy forever? Beigu Pavilion, Jingkou, Huaigu, Xin Qiji, Long Pavilion, Farewell Wang Shifu. 3. In 218, high school must recite ancient poems and national volumes
Ancient poems are partially folded. The quiet girl has no clothes. Mrs. Meng Xiang Li Sao (excerpt) sings a long song. Peacock flies southeast. Altair sings a short song. White horse belongs to the garden. It is difficult to visit the ancient Shu Road in tianmu Mountain Ascended in a Dream, an autumn evening in the mountains. It is difficult to enter the wine and climb the Shu Xiang military vehicle to visit the historic site in a night abroad. (3) The pavilion goes to Yueyang Tower, the fisherman's stone city, where he hears Lotte and falls to Jiangzhou Sima Libing. In the first days of spring rain, a message from lake dongting to premier zhang's spring night in Los Angeles, the flute was heard in Nanpu, and the ancient words of Qiu Si's everlasting regret song were partially folded. Bodhisattva pretty girl Langtaosha Yulinling Guizhixiang Jiangchengzi Queqiao Xiansu Muzhe cut Mei Niannujiao Chibi Huaigu Manjianghong Yujie, Qingpingle Yongyue Xijiangyue ugly slave son's broken son, Qingyu, met with drunkenness, and Huanxisha was partially folded in classical Chinese. On the Qin Dynasty, Chen Qingbiao and Zhu Yuansi wrote six books on the Six Kingdoms Theory of Epang Palace, Fu Tengwang. 4. The ancient poems required by the liberal arts language in the college entrance examination in 215, What are the
reference articles for reciting ancient poems in classical Chinese
(1) Ancient Chinese (12 articles)
The Analects of Confucius (the chapter stipulated in the Guiding Opinions on the Teaching of Experimental Chinese in the New Curriculum of Ordinary Senior High Schools in Zhejiang Province)
My humble opinion is also
Mencius (excerpt: from "saying by a gentleman" to "being impatient with one's heart" ) Zhuangzi
Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru (excerpt: from "Lian Po Yue" to "For the Turn of the Neck") Sima Qian
Submitted to Ren Anshu (excerpt: from "The ancients became rich and lost their fame" to "It's hard for the common people to say it") Sima Qian
Preface to Lanting Collection Wang Xizhi.
Qiu Sheng Fu (excerpt: from "Yu Yue" to "When things are too abundant, they should be killed") Ouyang Xiu's
Six Kingdoms Theory (excerpt: from "Qi people have never been accused of Qin" to "Yes, they are under the Six Kingdoms") Su Xun
Chi Bi Fu Su Shi
(2) Ancient poems and songs (12 pieces)
Yu Meiren (when is the spring flower and autumn moon) Li Yu
Butterfly Love Flower (threshold chrysanthemum worries about smoke and blue tears and dew) Yan Shu
Yulinling (chilling) Liu Yong
Nian Nujiao? Nostalgia for the past in Chibi Su Shi
Slow voice (searching) Li Qingzhao
Happy forever? Beigu Pavilion, Jingkou, Nostalgia for the Old, Xin Qiji
Farewell to the Long Pavilion (a good ending with a rolling hydrangea) Wang Shifu 5. National College Entrance Examination Volume 2 Chinese must recite ancient prose
Ten "Fish I Want" in The Analects of Confucius-Mencius "Born in Worry, Die in Happiness-Mencius' Debate on Cao Gui-Turn Left-Zou Ji satirizes coachable, King of Qi-The Warring States Policy, A Model-Zhuge Liang's The Peach Blossom Garden-Tao Yuanming's Three Gorges-Li Daoyuan's Ma Shuo-Han Yu's Humble Room-Liu Yuxi's Xiaoshi Pond-Liu Zongyuan's Yueyang Tower. Jia Jian-The Book of Songs-Watching the Sea-Drinking by Cao Cao-farewell to vice-prefect du setting out for his official post in shu by Tao Yuanming-a mooring under north fort hill by Wang Bo-Wang Wan's Ambassador to the Frontier-Wang Wei's Hearing that Wang Changling had moved to Long Biaoyao-it is hard to go by Li Bai-Wang Yue by Du Fu. 6. National College Entrance Examination Volume 2 Chinese must recite ancient prose
1. Ten Analects of Confucius
2. Fish I want-Mencius
3. Born in sorrow, Die in Happiness-Mencius
4. Cao Gui Debate-Turn Left
5. Zou Ji satirizes coachable, King of Qi-Warring States Policy
6. Example-Zhuge Liang
7. Peach Blossom Garden-Tao Yuanming
8. Three Gorges. Zong Yuan
12. The Story of Yueyang Tower-Fan Zhongyan
13. The Story of the Drunken Pavilion-Ouyang Xiu
14. The Story of Ailian-Zhou Dunyi
15. The Night Tour in Chengtian Temple-Su Shi
16. Preface to Send Ma Sheng to Dongyang. -Cao Cao
2. Drinking-Tao Yuanming
21. farewell to vice-prefect du setting out for his official post in shu-Wang Bo
22. a mooring under north fort hill-Wang Wan
23. Make it to the fortress-Wang Wei
24. I heard that Wang Changling left and moved to Longbiaoyao to send it-Li Bai. -Du Fu
28. "The Cottage is Broken by Autumn Wind"-Du Fu
29. "a Song of White Snow in Farewell to Field-Clerk Wu Going Home"-Cen Can
3. "Early Spring Presented to Eighteen Members of the Ministry of Water Affairs"-Han Yu
31. "Reward Lotte for the First Meeting in Yangzhou"-Liu Yuxi
32. Chinese test questions
Time: 15 minutes Total score: 15 points
1. Multiple choice questions: (* * * counts 27 points)
Question classification: 1. Language use; 2. Modern reading; 3. Reading in classical Chinese. (1) Multiple-choice questions on the use of language and characters: (***3 small questions, 3 points for each question, 9 points in total)
1. Idiom analysis questions 2. Ill-sentence analysis questions 3. Ordering questions (language coherence questions) Small reading:
(2) Modern reading (***3 small questions, 3 points for each small question, Total 9 points)
1. Conceptual words 2. Sentence understanding 3. Information screening
4. Summary of main points 5. Inference and imagination
(3) Classical Chinese reading (***3 small questions, 3 points for each small question, Total 9 points)
1. Content words in classical Chinese 2. Different meanings in ancient and modern times 3. Function words in classical Chinese 4. Information screening
5. Personality expression 6. Content induction 7. Grasp the full text
2. Subjective questions: (* * * 123 points)
(4) Translation questions in classical Chinese: (* * * *) The second question is 6 points, totaling 11 points)
1. Expression 2. Language features 3. Rhetoric 4. Expression 6. Thoughts and feelings 7. Artistic conception and function
(6) The dictation question of famous sentences (***3 small questions, 1 point for each space, totaling 6 points) requires reciting the specified famous sentences in the article, with specified prompts.
Big reading:
(7) Modern reading (***4 small questions, 5 points for the first question, 6 points for the second and third questions, and 8 points for the fourth question, totaling 25 points)
Two articles, choose one. The first lyric prose; The second biography.
1. Terminology and conceptual questions 2. Understanding of key sentences
3. Information screening questions 4. Inducing thematic questions 5. Cleaning up the questions of literary thinking
6. Aesthetic appreciation questions 7. Comprehensive inquiry questions
(8) Text expression (***2 small questions, 5 points for supplementary sentences, 6 points for language expression, Total 11 points)
1. Paragraph sentence completion questions 2. Paragraph compression or expansion questions 3. Sentence imitation writing questions
4. Sentence transformation questions 5. Error correction questions 6. Graphic expression questions
(9) Composition (6 points)
Material composition: the first and last sentences must be presented with an argument of one or two paragraphs (from) to three paragraphs (from).