What do you mean, Yue Se put God above him?

Yue Se let God take over his power, while Yue Se obeyed absolutely, so Yue Se would not blame others.

Yue Se? (Hebrew), the characters recorded in the Bible are the sons of Jacob and Rachel.

The eleventh son of Jacob and the first son of Rachel. Rachel named the child Yue Se, which means "increase", indicating that she longed for God to give her another son (Gen. 30:24*).

From then on, Yue Se was not mentioned in the Bible until 17 years old. The Bible mentions that he and his brothers were herding sheep for his father (Gen. 37:2*). Father loves Yue Se more than his brother, because Yue Se was born in his later years (Gen. 37:3*), the eldest son of his beloved wife. Because of this, Yue Se's brother is very jealous of him. When Jacob made Yue Se a new dress with long sleeves and reaching to the ground (this kind of dress can be seen on the murals of Henonghota II of Beni Hassan and the noble tombs of Gurny near Luxor), they became more and more jealous of him (Gen. 37:3*-4). When Yue Se told them that he saw his brothers prostrate themselves before him in his dream, they hated him even more. Later, Jacob sent Yue Se to Shechem to look for his brothers and sheep, and they sold Yue Se to Egyptian merchants (Gen. 37:25*-28). The brothers took his new clothes, dyed some goat blood and took them home to Jacob. When Jacob saw this, he thought that Yue Se had been swallowed by wild animals (Gen 37:3 1*-33), and he was very sad (Gen 37:34*-35).

In Egypt, Yue Se was sold to Egyptian guard Potiphar (Gen 37:36*, Gen 39: 1*). Later, Potiphar put Yue Se in charge of all the housework. However, Potiphar's wife was deeply attracted by the young Hebrews and seduced him, so trouble came (Gen. 39:6*- 10). Yue Se resolutely rejected his mistress and made it clear that if he listened to her, he would hurt his master and offend God (Gen. 39:9*). One day, she pulled Yue Se's clothes, but Yue Se left them and ran away. Potiphar's wife falsely accused Yue Se of attempting rape; Potiphar believed her, so he put Yue Se in the king's prison (Gen. 39:20*), and Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker were also put there. Yue Se got God's help in prison and explained some difficult dreams to the chief cupbearer and the chief caterer. As Yue Se said in the interpretation of his dream, the chef was put to death and the cupbearer was restored (Gen. 40:5*-23), but the cupbearer forgot Yue Se.

After two years, Pharaoh had two dreams that even his magicians and wise men could not explain. The cupbearer remembered Yue Se and called him from prison to the palace. God revealed to Yue Se that those dreams predicted seven years of abundance and seven years of famine. Because of Yue Se's wisdom in interpreting dreams, Pharaoh appointed him to run Egypt, ranking second only to Pharaoh (Gen. 4 1:39*-44). The Pharaoh named Yue Se "Safanat Barnea" (meaning "indefinitely", creating 4 1:45*) and betrothed Athina, the daughter of the priest Potiphera, to him as his wife.

Yue Se was thirty when he began to rule Egypt. During the seven abundant years, he saved grain, and when the seven famine years came, he had food to eat (Gen. 4 1:53*-56). The famine in Palestine is also very serious, so Jacob sent his son to Egypt to buy food except young Benjamin. They went to Egypt and Yue Se, but they didn't recognize him. Yue Se recognized them and remembered his long-cherished wish to rule the family (Gen. 42:8*-9). Yue Se accused them of being spies after listening to their report on family situation (Gen 42:9*- 14), and insisted that they keep a hostage and then bring Benjamin to prove their words (Gen 42: 19*-20). So Simeon was bound and lived in Egypt (Gen. 43:24*).

Jacob didn't want Benjamin to go because he was afraid of losing his youngest child (Gen 43: 1*-2), but because Egyptian officials had already offered conditions, Jacob had to allow Benjamin to go with them (Gen 43:1*). When they arrived in Egypt, Yue Se's housekeeper took them home, gave Simeon back to them (Gen 43:23*) and held a banquet for them (Gen 43:33*). Finally, Yue Se revealed his identity and said that God sent him to Egypt to save the lives of his family (Gen. 45:4*-8). Later, he arranged for his brother to take Jacob; He prepared vehicles and food for them on the road (Gen 45:2 1*). When Jacob arrived in Goshen, the land of the Nile Delta, Yue Se came out to meet him, and their family was reunited (Gen. 46:28*-29). Yue Se brought his father and brothers before Pharaoh, who allowed them to live in the land of Goshen (Gen. 47:6*).

When Yue Se learned that his father was ill, he took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to Jacob to bless him. He arranged for his son to stand in front of Jacob, with his eldest son facing Jacob's right hand and his youngest son facing Jacob's left hand, so that Manasseh could get the blessing of his eldest son. However, Jacob crossed his hands and gave greater blessings to Ephraim (Gen. 48: 14*-20). He also gave Yue Se the land he had seized from the Amorites (Gen. 48:22*). After Jacob died, Yue Se arranged a funeral for him; After his usual funeral, he arranged for his sons to go to Canaan and buried Jacob in the cave of Maibila in Hebron (Gen 50: 1*- 13).

When Yue Se was one hundred and ten years old, he called his brother and told him that he was going to die. He also ordered his descendants to swear that when they returned to Canaan, they must carry his bones up. Therefore, after his death, his body was smoked, buried in a coffin and stopped in Egypt (Gen. 50: 26). Many years later, when he left Egypt, Moses left Egypt with Yue Se's bones (Exodus 13: 19). Yue Se was finally buried in Shechem, which Jacob bought from Hamor, Shechem's father (Joshua 24: 32).