Who knows the real meaning of Christmas?

The true meaning of Christmas: in memory of the incarnated Jesus: The name "Jesus" means "savior" or "God's help" in Hebrew. His disciples called him "Messiah" or "God's anointed". "Christ" means "anointed" As early as more than 700 years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah predicted: "The Lord will personally give you a sign. (Isaiah 7: 14) "Immanuel" means that God is with us, indicating that God has come into the world.

Because Jesus was born and conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virgin Mary, Jesus is a complete "God" and a complete "man". His birth fulfilled many prophecies in the Old Testament. The birth of Christ from the virgin, the time and place of his birth, the names prepared and pre-fetched by pioneers before his birth, the treatment of adults after his birth, and the purpose of his birth were all realized according to the will of God the Father, and all the predictions were realized.

It is generally believed that "AD" is counted from the year when Jesus was born, and AD itself is an epoch-making milestone in the history of recording the birth of Jesus. "Christ Jesus came into the world" should be the headline news of Christmas, because it is the good news that the angel reported to the frightened shepherd, and this information concerns all the people. Only Jesus Christ is the only "savior". He is a "son of God" and was born as a "son of man" to save mankind from evil. This is the incarnation of Jesus.

In memory of the Savior who laid down his life for others: "Without bloodshed, sin is unforgivable". Without the birth of the Lord Jesus, there would be no such thing as giving one's life for atonement. The center of salvation is the blood redemption of the Lord on the cross, and the center of the cross is God's love. There are many prophecies and predictions about the salvation of the cross in the Bible. From Abel's sacrifice to the last supper of the Lord Jesus and his disciples, all the predictions directly or indirectly point to the same goal-the cross of Calvary. The Lord Jesus gave his life to save people. All these things were done, so that the words of the prophet might be fulfilled (Matt. 26: 56). Although he is the tallest, he was born in the humblest manger and grew up in an ordinary carpenter's house. He preached the gospel to the poor humbly and obediently, and even died on the cross. Because of his punishment, those who believe in him have peace; Because of his whipping, all those who were whipped were healed. Only through innocent Jesus, the lamb of God, can the evil of the world be eliminated.

In memory of Christ who rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, the Lord Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and I am the life." "I have the right to give up and have the right to take it back. He is willing to die for sinners and be buried. According to the Bible, he was resurrected on the third day. After his resurrection, he appeared to Mary Magdalene, eleven apostles and some disciples for ten times, and even appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time. Forty days after his resurrection, when the apostles were in full view, suddenly a cloud picked him up and he ascended to heaven, where he prayed for all the saints and prepared his future residence. The birth of the Lord Jesus is not only a miracle, but also the resurrection of the Lord Christ, because he not only has the hard evidence of the resurrection fact, but also fulfilled the prophecy of the Old Testament. " Therefore, God exalted him to the highest position and gave him a name above ten thousand names, so that all things in heaven, on earth and under the earth would kneel down in the name of Jesus, saying that Jesus Christ is Lord and give glory to God the Father. (Phil. 2.9-11) The resurrected Christ is the center of our faith. Only by believing in the savior who rose from the dead can we be saved. When we celebrate the birth of El Nino, it is more important to believe that he is the resurrected Lord, and he also gave the resurrected life to his children.

In memory of the king who is bound to return: the return of the Lord Jesus is an established fact, and this truth is an important theme of the New Testament. On average, every twenty-five verses in the New Testament talk about the second coming of the Lord. Before his death and after his resurrection, the Lord Jesus announced that he would come again no less than twenty times in different ways, such as prophecy, promise and metaphor. This truth can be said to be the blood of all his lessons, and it is also the hope of all Christians to be blessed.

The Bible says, "Look! I will come quickly, my reward is mine, and I will repay everyone according to his deeds. (Rev. 22: 12) When he was born for the first time, the righteous replaced the unjust and the innocent replaced the guilty, that is, he changed his life for the sake of death, saved his soul from extinction and gained eternal life. However, it has been almost two thousand years since the birth of the savior, and the day of the Lord's return is indeed near, and the time of judgment is coming soon, which should sound an alarm to the whole world. When he ascends to heaven, he will come again, but this time, Jesus will be the king of kings and Lord of lords, and he will also come and take all the people who belong to him to the place where he is now ready. The Lord Jesus himself said, "there are many dwellings in my father's house ... I went to prepare a place for you." If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come and take you to me again ... "(John's Gospel 14: 2-3) At the same time, Christ will come again to judge sinners. He hasn't come back yet. This is not procrastination, but tolerance. He doesn't want to sink alone, but he wants everyone to repent.

Jesus Christ was born in this world, not in heaven. When you have a bird's eye view of the world, you will find that it is full of sin, darkness and human suffering, all of which are caused by the crimes of Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind. But God loves the world so much that he even gave us his only son, Jesus Christ, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his son into the world for the first time, not to condemn the world, but to save people through him. Therefore, the night when Jesus came into the world was sacred, perfect, quiet and joyful. It contains warmth and light, bringing comfort, comfort and strength to those who indulge in darkness and misfortune, and also bringing eternal blessings. I wonder if you have completely escaped the bondage of sin? Have you washed your heart to meet this savior? Only the power of Jesus Christ can make the human mind truly free, so Christmas is a free birthday and a wonderful and great birth.

Today, as long as you repent of your sins, believe in him and accept him as your personal savior, your sins will be forgiven, your initial harmonious relationship with God will be restored, and you will have eternal life. Today you accepted Jesus in your heart. Today is your Christmas. May God give you a special Christmas this year!