Wang Wei heard the crying and went to the field-look, the melons were almost looted, but the vines were gone. He said angrily: "stealing so many melons must have been stolen and sold." Shall I accompany my father to the market? "
When they came to the market together, they saw a tall man selling watermelons. Mr. Liu recognized his melon at a glance and shouted, "Stop thief!"
The tall man selling melons said angrily, "What makes you say this melon belongs to your family?"
Mr. Liu said, "I grew my own melon. Can't I recognize it? "
Wang Wei ordered the tall man to see the official. The tall man said, "You said I stole melons. What evidence is there? "
Hearing this, Wang Wei suddenly had a brainwave, telling his father to keep an eye on the melon, and asking the onlookers to help him keep an eye on the thief who stole the melon. Panting, he ran back to Dad's Gua Tian and got a lot of melon seeds to let him go back. Everyone helped to match the bottom of the watermelon with the pedicel, which proved that the watermelon really belonged to Mr. Liu.
As a result, the county magistrate sentenced the melon thief to compensate Mr. Liu for his watermelon, and also severely fined him 40 boards.