"Cantos" is Pound's masterpiece, a long poem published in batches from 1917 to 1959. The complete poem consists of 109 "cantos" and 8 unfinished drafts. Chapters 1-7 are about the conception and theme of the poem; Chapters 8-11 are about Sigismundo, a Venetian soldier who protected art; Chapters 12-13 are about the modern economy and the society longed for by Confucius' moral philosophy. Order contrast; Chapters 14-16 are set in modern London, describing a passage from hell that leads to Venice in the Middle Ages. This is a symbol of heaven in the poet's mind. Some chapters in Chapters 31-71 describe several American presidents whom the poet admires, and also write about the philosophy of Confucius in China. There are many Chinese characters, Greek, Italian, etc. in the poem, which make it difficult to read and understand this poem. The most prominent part of the poem is the "Pisa Canto" written by the poet when he was imprisoned in the Pisa prison camp, which describes a journey through the dark night of the soul to the goddess of love.