I want to believe what Jesus should do first.

Congratulations, have confidence from above and believe in Jesus! Of course, the first step is according to the Bible Romans: If you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved! So, I ask you: Do you believe that Jesus has risen and is now in heaven with God the Father? If you answer me: "I believe! Then, if you want to recognize the Lord Jesus in your mouth, please make the following prayer: "Father, I admit from my heart that you are the only true God. You love mankind, and you sent Christ Jesus, the son of God, to the world, to be crucified for us, and to be resurrected on the third day to save us from sin and death. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only savior of mankind, the road, the truth and the life. Only through him can man return to his father, know the truth and gain eternal life. I understand that the direction and route of life were wrong because I didn't know the true God. I decided to go back from now on, instead of going my own way, to follow Jesus all my life and do the will of God the Father. Help me to know the truth and strengthen my confidence. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! Only when your sincere prayer is completed will you believe in Jesus. This is the first step!

All of the above are false. The first step to believing in Jesus is to make up your mind. You must first believe that God created everything in the universe. 2. Jesus was crucified. Three days later, he will be resurrected to eliminate the sins of the world. As long as you firmly believe in the above three points, you can return to any church (among which Baptists are more orthodox). And after being heard, you can make up your mind. When can you arrange the christening ceremony in the church?

In fact, the story of Jesus is also the mainstream of Catholicism and Christianity.

You should know clearly whether you want to join any church.

Maybe you should get to know each other better before deciding whether to join any church. Can you get to know cccl/index.py first? Page = evangelize

I think the first step to believe in Jesus is to tell him ... xd, have you ever tried to walk in the street until someone preaches the gospel to you ... He will tell you a D field ... and then please swear to Jesus together ... almost? After that, you want to know more about him ... read the Bible ... go to church ... Many people think that God will forgive anyone who sincerely repents to him, because God loves us and will forgive us for any mistakes, because people are lazy ... believe first. ' Cut the crap:

You can read the Bible or try to go back to fellowship.

Reference: I