Second, the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with morality. Testimony: Only virtue can carry things. On the contrary, if there is no emphasis on morality as the basis and carrier, the greater the blessing, the greater the disaster. The so-called "where morality is not in place, there will be disaster" is the truth.
Third, don't be ashamed of virtue. Testimony: It is easy to be a good person once, but difficult to be a good person all your life. The hardest thing to be a good person is persistence, because not all good things happen to good people. If you give up halfway and can't persist for a long time, you will be humiliated and laughed at.
Fourth, birds of a feather flock together. Testimony: Everything in the world is of the same kind, so it will gather together. Understand this truth, we can more conveniently know the people around us. No matter how deep a person hides and how well he pretends, you can probably see his true face by looking at the people he associates with.
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