Bible (2) Recite the key verses of Colossians.

May God give you wisdom and mind so that you can understand and recite the words for the benefit of Emmanuel.

1. May you know God's will in all your spiritual wisdom and understanding; That you may act worthy of the Lord, please others in everything, bear fruit in all good deeds, and gradually learn more about God. According to his glorious power, you are strengthened in all kinds of strength, so that you can be patient and tolerant in all things with joy; Thank God, let us share our heritage with all the saints in the light. He saved us from the power of darkness and moved us to the country where he loved his son. Our beloved son redeemed us and our sins were forgiven. The beloved son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn, before all the created things. Because he created everything (Colossians 1:9- 16 NIV).

2. You were once isolated from God, because of your evil deeds, you were enemies with him in your heart. But now he died through the body of Christ, reconciled you to yourself, made you holy, flawless and blameless, and brought you to himself. (Colossians 1:2 1-22 and KJV)

3. If you died with Christ and left the primary school in the world, why do you still live like a secular world and abide by the rules of "not desirable, not tasted and not touched"? All this is according to people's orders and teachings. (Colossians 2:20-22)

4. Therefore, if you are really raised with Christ, you should seek the above things; Christ sits at the right hand of God. Think of things above, not things on earth. Because you are dead, your life is hidden in God with Christ. Christ is our life, and when he appears, you will also appear in glory with him. (Colossians 3: 1-4 and NIV)

5. If this person has a bad feeling with that person, always forgive each other; The Lord forgave you, so you should forgive others. (Colossians 3: 13 and NIV)

6. With all kinds of wisdom, keep the truth of Christ in your heart, and teach and admonish each other with poems, eulogies and spiritual songs, so that your hearts will be grateful and praise God. Whatever you do, say or do, you should thank God the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus. (Colossians 3: 16- 17 and KJV)

7. Pray that God will open the door for us to preach, so that I can tell the mystery of Christ (for which I am bound) and invent it according to what I should say. You should cherish time and communicate with outsiders with wisdom. Always speak kindly, as if it had been tempered with salt, and you will know how to answer everyone. (Colossians 4:3-6)