Break the rain and clear the suburbs. Kaiyun shines in Zhongxian County. You gather in the cool temple with the candles of Xuanyue Danju. Gao Ling jumps and jumps. Chasing Yan began to hold a banquet. There is a coffin in the garden. All the treasures in the court have changed. Minghui said Shen Du. Li qi Hua Guan branch Far away, love week. Politeness is profound and cordial.
Frost flies like jade. Ai Lijing cleared the way for Huang Zhou. You Xuan's feather hood. The residence of the gods is full of worship. I believe in the circle. Etiquette Tao Desheng. Prosperity will drown the people. Shame cannot overcome quality. Fallacy comes from clouds and rain.
Give a banquet to cover Zhoushan poems
Author: Bao Zhao
Time: Southern and Northern Dynasties \ Generation
Break the rain and clear the suburbs.
Kaiyun shines in Zhongxian County.
You Xuan yue Dan ju
Candles gather to cool the temple.
Gao Ling jumps and jumps.
Chasing Yan began to hold a banquet.
There is a coffin in the garden.
All the treasures in the court have changed.
Minghui said Shen Du.
Li qi Hua Guan branch
Far away, love week.
Politeness is profound and cordial.