Summer is coming, and it's time to plant late corn again. There are late corn and early corn. The day before planting corn, the land should be watered, and the land should be planted for two days. When planting corn, the fertilizer should be thrown off first, then the tractor should loosen the land first, and then people should plant the corn and bury it. Gradually sprouting, we have to help the corn sprout, first grow ears, and the corn usually grows in the seventh place, and the corn planted first grows very big.
Autumn is coming, and October-November is the time to harvest corn. First, harvest corn, and then harvest late corn. It's very hot when harvesting corn. We should eat popsicles to relieve the fever.
when winter comes, we can't see corn, but after winter, we can see corn in spring.
comment: the number of words in the composition has increased a lot, and it can also be described from the front and back of corn growth. There are many repetitions in the two paragraphs of spring and summer, so you can try to use different words to describe it.