(A) Thinking
1. What happened to the country when the judge came to power? How many people came from Bethlehem in Judah to live in Moab? Who are their family members? What happened to them in Moab? Who is the Moabite woman married by her son? 1/5
2. Why did Naomi return to Judah? What did she say to those two women? What did her daughter-in-law say? How did Naomi persuade them to go back? Did Naomi's persuasion work? How do Oba and Ruth react differently? 6/ 14
3. How did Naomi persuade Ruth? How did Ruth answer her mother-in-law's persuasion? When Naomi saw the direction of the road, she stopped persuading. 15/ 18
4. Where did they go together? How did the people there react? What did you say? What did Naomi say? 19/2 1
5. When will Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem? 22
(2) Application
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Second, the classic reading outline
The rise and fall of a family
(1) Subject 1/5
(2) Awakening 6/ 18
(3) Repentance 19/2 1
(4) Hope 22
Various forms of families
(1) hit by god 1/5
1. Father
(1) Leave the Promised Land
(2) Go to the cursed land
2. Son-Marry a Moabite woman
(1) Violate the commandment-don't intermarry with foreigners? Deuteronomy 23: 3-6
(2) Moab-not allowed to join the congregation of the Lord? Deuteronomy 7: 4-5
(2) the person who is used by God-Naomi
1. Hear God's favor 6/7
2. Teach the Word of God 8/ 18
3. Know the discipline of God 19/2 1
4. Blessed by God
(3) God's Forsaken-orba8/14
1. The kingdom of God has not been chosen 10
2. People who have not chosen God 12
3. People who don't choose God 6
④ God's chosen person-Ruth 16/ 18
1. Select Naomi.
Choose the god of Naomi
Choose Naomi's country
Deuteronomy 23:3 "Ammonites and Moabites shall not enter the assembly of the LORD; Although their children have passed through ten generations, they will never enter the assembly of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 23:4 Because when you came out of Egypt, they did not meet you with food and water on the road, and because they hired Balaam, the son of Beor, a Peor from Mesopotamia, to curse you.
Deuteronomy 23:5 However, the Lord your God refused to listen to Balaam, but turned the curse into a blessing, because the Lord your God loves you.
Deuteronomy 23:6 You shall not seek their peace and interests all your life.
Deuteronomy 7:3 You shall not marry them, nor shall you give your daughter to their son. And don't let your son marry their daughter,
Deuteronomy 7:4 For he will turn your son away from following the Lord and serve other gods, so that the anger of the Lord will burn against you and destroy you quickly.
Third, think and answer.
1. What happened to the country when the judge came to power? How many people came from Bethlehem in Judah to live in Moab? Who are their family members? What happened to them in Moab? Who is the Moabite woman married by her son? 1/5
Answer: ① When the judges were in power, there was a famine all over the country. (on 1: 1)
(2) In Bethlehem, Judah, a man took his wife and two sons to live in Moab. ( 1: 1)
(3) This man's name is Elimelech, and his wife's name is Naomi; His two sons, one named Mahlon and the other named Gillian, were Ephraimites from Bethlehem, Judah. When they came to the land of Moab, they stayed there. ? ( 1:2 )
(4) Later, Naomi's husband Elimelech died, leaving the woman and her two sons. ? Mahlon and killian are also dead, and Naomi has no husband or son. ( 1:3,5 )
These two sons married a Moabite woman, one named Oba and the other named Ruth, and lived there for about ten years. ? ( 1:4 )
2. Why did Naomi return to Judah? What did she say to those two women? What did her daughter-in-law say? How did Naomi persuade them to go back? Did Naomi's persuasion work? How do Oba and Ruth react differently? 6/ 14
Answer: (1) Because she heard in Moab that the Lord cares for his people and gives them food. ? ( 1:6 )
Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, "Go back to your parents. May the Lord be kind to you, just as you are kind to the dead and me! May the Lord give you peace in your new husband's house! " So Naomi kissed them. They just burst into tears. ( 1:8-9 )
(3) Say, "Otherwise, we will go back to your country with you." ? ( 1: 10 )
Naomi said, "Daughters, go home! Why do you want to go with me? Can I still have children to be your husbands? My daughters, go home! I am too old to have a husband; Even if I say, I still have hope. I have a husband who can have children tonight. Can you wait until they grow up? Can you wait for them not to marry someone else? My daughters, don't do this. I am very distressed for your sake, because the Lord has stretched out his hand against me. 」? ( 1: 1 1- 13 )
⑤ It has fruit effect.
6. The two daughters-in-law burst into tears again. Orba kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth could not bear to take Naomi. ( 1: 14 )
3. How did Naomi persuade Ruth? How did Ruth answer her mother-in-law's persuasion? When Naomi saw the direction of the road, she stopped persuading. 15/ 18
Answer: (1) Naomi said, "Look, your sister-in-law has gone back to her own country and the gods she worshipped. Go back with her! " ? (1: 15 and)
Ruth said, "Don't rush me back. I won't go with you. Wherever you go, I will go; Where you stay, I will stay; Your country is my country, and your god is my god. Where you die, I will die and be buried. Unless death can separate you from me! Otherwise, may the Lord severely punish me. " ? ( 1: 16- 17 )
Naomi stopped persuading Ruth when she saw that she was determined to go with her. ( 1: 18 )
4. Where did they go together? How did the people there react? What did you say? What did Naomi say? 19/2 1
A: (1) So they walked together and came to Bethlehem. (on 1: 19)
When they arrived in Bethlehem, the whole city was surprised. (in 1: 19)
The women said, "Is this Naomi?" ? ( 1: 19)
(4) Naomi said to them, "Don't call me Naomi (sweet meaning), but call me Mara (bitter meaning), because the Almighty has caused me great suffering. I went out to the earth, and the Lord sent me away empty-handed. The Lord has done evil to me. God made me suffer. In that case, why do you call me Naomi? " ( 1:20-2 1 )
5. When will Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem? 22
It's time to start cutting barley. ( 1:22 )
Fourth, the application solution
Application 1:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
A: Naomi's experience was entirely due to her wrong choice (leaving Bethlehem, the blessed place of God), which made her lose her husband and son, indicating that she was confused in faith, had no position, was unstable in confidence, and even went with the flow.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Answer: Ruth heard the gospel, believed in God, and received God's grace and blessing (from cursed Moab to Bethlehem), which indicated the change of her status and life, from adversity to prosperity, from curse to blessing!
Application 2:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Answer: (1) What happened to Naomi was God's punishment. Instead of obeying God's command to live in Canaan, they went to live in Moab, which was cursed by God. Let his son marry a Moabite woman with different beliefs.
(2) Although Ruth is a Moabite, from the conversation between her and her mother-in-law, we can see the difference in faith between her and Orba. 16 says that "your country is my country, and your god is my god", from which we can see her understanding of god and her determination and confidence to abandon false gods and follow true gods. Until she was blessed by God, she became the most confident woman of celebrities throughout the ages, and also became a woman used by God as a foreigner. She is the grandmother of King David.
Application 3:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
What's wrong with Naomi?
(1) Leave the true God and move to a foreign land.
(2) Whatever you want, marry a foreign women for your son.
(3) Having lost her husband and son, she just woke up and decided to return.
(4) Kindly advised children to go back to their parents' home, but failed to convey their true faith to them. Hurt his daughter-in-law orba.
The company of Ruth is a great comfort to her.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Ruth's faith:
① Performance: filial piety and love.
Don't leave your mother-in-law alone, but obey God's command. Honor your parents, so that you can live a long and happy life in the world. This is the first promised commandment. )
2 self-confidence: regard the Lord God as your own God.
Your country is my country, and your god is my god.
De 1: 17 Where you die, I will die and be buried there. May the Lord punish me severely, unless death can separate you from me. "
③ Behavior: Take her mother-in-law back to the place blessed by God.
So they walked together and came to Bethlehem.
Application 4:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
A: This is a way of God's love. This way, the average person can't enjoy it. People are not perfect. In this loving way, God makes us perfect constantly.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
A: Ruth's faith has made us what God wants us to be, that is, to know God in an all-round way. Today, many people think that leech's daughter always wants it. Ruth followed the God of Naomi without asking for anything in return. May all believers today follow our Lord Amen like Ruth.
Application 5:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
Answer: Abandon the promised land and go to the cursed place. See the decline of their faith. So he was punished by God.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Answer: From Ruth, I can see that she is abandoned, and the false god she worships trusts the true god who is kind to others. This is an example of our suburban law.
Application 6:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
Answer: God did evil to Naomi, because Naomi left Bethlehem and went to the land of Moab, where she worshipped idols.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
A: Ruth's loyalty and persistence in faith are worth learning and learning from. Ruth is serious about faith. She didn't choose to leave Naomi because her mother-in-law was poor and lonely. Ruth witnessed her belief in life with her own behavior. Praise the road.
Application 7:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
A: Naomi lived during her administration, which was the darkest and most chaotic period in Israeli history. At that time, there was no king in Israel, and everyone did whatever they wanted (Judges 2 1:25). God will discipline them through famine to urge them to repent.
Bethlehem is actually a granary. God will take care of them and tide them over, but their confidence is weak and they deviate from God and the promised land. Naomi listened to her husband's wrong choice and lost her husband and two sons. Naomi was very sad and miserable because God didn't bless her.
Because of suffering and hearing that God cared for his people and gave them food, Naomi set out from Moab and returned to Judah. He is like a prodigal son. He wants to go back to his father's home only when he encounters adversity and difficulties.
God's grace is enough, and God's power is perfect in human weakness. When Naomi is alone, God will show her salvation. Therefore, when we fail, don't lose heart, or the environment is difficult, and something extraordinary has happened that makes you look down. Don't lose heart. As long as you repent and turn to God, salvation will always show glory from people's failure.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Answer: Ruth said to her mother-in-law, Naomi, don't urge me to go back and not follow you; Wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you stay, I will stay; Your country is my country, and your god is my god. (Luke 1: 16) She takes the God of Israel as her god. She is willing to leave her homeland, her own nation, her own god, and entrust herself to the god her mother-in-law believes in. What kind of choice, determination and sacrifice this is. This is a man who left everything behind and never looked back and walked ten roads with the Lord. Ruth was able to make such a decision because she knew that the God of Naomi was the only true God.
Application 8:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
A: What happened to Naomi was God's punishment, which brought disaster to her family. They did not obey God's command and lived in the land of Canaan, but went to live in the land of Moab cursed by God, and let their two sons marry Moab women of different faiths.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Answer: Although Ruth is a Moabite, from her conversation with her mother-in-law, we can see that she is in great awe of the god her mother-in-law believes in. She sees the true god from her mother-in-law's behavior, because her mother-in-law has said to her daughter-in-law three times: My daughters, I can see that she is as good as her daughter-in-law, so Ruth said; Section 16 Your country is my country, and your god is my god. Unless death can separate you from me, Ruth has firm confidence in abandoning falsehood and returning to the true God! God bless! Became the grandmother of a generation of kings, through the ages, beautiful and beautiful, kings are from her.
Application 9:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
A: I came to Moab (cursed land) from the land of Judah (promised land), where I married a foreign woman for my son and was punished by God. When he came back, he said, "I went out to the earth, and the Lord sent me away empty-handed. The Lord has afflicted me, and the Almighty has afflicted me. "This is also because God has blessed him and brought him back spiritually.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
A: Ruth's faith.
Understanding of faith
Attic faith
Follow of faith
Conservative belief
Blessed by faith
Have confidence ~ have behavior
Application 10:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
(1) the faith is not firm, against God to Modil.
(2) Don't keep the marriage, and you have sinned against God by marrying a foreign woman.
The blessing of the Lord left and turned to God.
(4) Follow the road firmly, comfort and take refuge in God.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
(1) Know and fear the true God.
(2) Confidence in the true God.
3 firmly follow the true god.
(4) Behavior glorifies the true God.
Application eleven:
1. How do you understand what happened to Naomi?
A: What happened to Naomi was that she left the promised land. There was a famine in Bethlehem, and she wanted to find a comfortable place. God's will is to make her suffer there and bring back a foreign woman who is willing to accept her faith and be used by God. Although it has its own intentions. But all this is god's arrangement.
2. What do you think of Ruth's beliefs?
Answer: Ruth's faith was handed down from Naomi's family. Through Naomi's family, she knows and fears God. (Section 16- 17) Through talking with her mother-in-law, she devoted herself to trusting in the Lord God, abandoning false gods, having clear beliefs, being willing to give up a comfortable life and going to a foreign land with her mother-in-law, not knowing the way forward, but she was determined to follow her mother-in-law and become a member of Israel and serve the Lord God. Take the road of blessing.