I. National Volume I: Speech at the Reading Club
Read the following materials and write as required.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Nine, the son of Qi State, competed with Xiaobai, the son of Qi State, and Guan Zhong and Bao Shu assisted them respectively. Guan Zhong led the troops to stop Xiaobai and hit his hook with an arrow. Xiaobai pretended to be dead and ran away. Later, Xiao Bai ascended the throne as king, and was called Qi Huangong in history. Bao Shu told Huan Gong that if you want to achieve the overlord's career, you must take charge of it. So Huan Gong reused Guan Zhong, and Bao Shugen lived under him, eventually becoming a generation overlord. Later generations praised Qi Huangong as the first of the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius said, "Duke Huan and the Nine Kings don't need chariots, but also control the power of the clock." Sima Qian said: "There are not many sages in the world who praise Guan Zhong, but there are many who know people in Bao Shu."
The class plans to hold a reading meeting to discuss the above materials. Who do you feel most about, Qi Huangong, Guan Zhong and Bao Shu? Please write a speech combining your feelings and thoughts.
Second, Beijing Volume
(1) "Each has its own function"
(2) "A message"
1.On June 23, 2020, the last satellite of Beidou-3 was successfully launched, and 55 satellites in the whole system were woven into a "Skynet", each performing its own duties. Take the material "each has its own function" as the topic, choose your own angle, do your own topic and write an argumentative essay.
In today's era, we have to face all kinds of information every day. There is a piece of information that once aroused your feelings, affected your life, made you feel excited, made you feel guilty, or taught you to distinguish between true and false ... Please write a narrative with "a piece of information" as the topic, connecting with real life, expanding association or imagination. Requirements: mental health; The content is substantial and detailed; Fluent in language and clear in writing.
Third, Tianjin Volume: Facing China.
Read the following materials and write as required.
"Chinese Face" is Du Fu who is full of feelings of home and country in the world popular documentary, Tu Youyou who won the Nobel Prize for benefiting mankind with traditional Chinese medicine, the tired smiling face of medical workers under heavy protective clothing, and the warm hands of little courier in silent streets and lanes ... You and I are the same in every respect.
What are your new thoughts and feelings about The Face of China after the spring of 2020? Please write an article.
4. Jiangsu Volume: What will you look like in the future?
According to the following materials, choose the angle, do your own topic, and write an article of not less than 800 words; In addition to poetry, style is optional.
Respond with the same voice and seek with the same spirit. People always pay attention to the people and things they like, and over time they will be surrounded and shaped by similar information. In the era of intelligent internet, this kind of encirclement is closer and this kind of shaping is more wise. Your future appearance may start with the next free browsing, a series of praises from mutual appreciation, an uncontrollable sharing and a sudden touch.
V Zhejiang Volume: Life and Expectation
Everyone has their own life coordinates and good expectations for the future.
Family may have different expectations for us, and society may give us different roles.
In the ever-changing real life, there is bound to be a gap or dislocation between individuals, families and society.
How do you experience and think about this? Write an article and talk about your own views.