The names of all the crew members of the Pequod sound like the Bible, which is unlikely or descriptive. The narrator deliberately avoids specifying the exact time of the incident and other similar details. All these show that the narrator-not just Melville-intends to mold his story into an epic and fable model.
For example, Moby Dick itself is interpreted as a symbolic representative of good and evil, and so is Ahab. Moby dick is also regarded as a metaphor for life elements that are not controlled by us or God. [need to quote]
The "Pequod" search for Moby Dick itself is also widely regarded as a fable. For Ahab, killing whales has become his ultimate goal in life, and this observation can also be expanded allegorically, so that whales represent everyone's goal. Besides, his revenge on whales is similar to human's struggle against fate. The only way to escape from Ahab's illusion is through the encounter between the Pequod and other ships, which are called gams. Readers can think about what Ahab will do if he really succeeds: what else can he do after completing his ultimate goal? Similarly, Melville may imply that, in general, people need to pursue something in life, or if such a goal is allowed to override all other concerns, it may destroy a person. The beginning of this book hints at something similar, when the protagonist Ishmael and his new friend Queequeg sleep in a cold bed:
... to really enjoy the warmth of your body, a small part of your body must be cold, because there is no quality in this world that is not presented through comparison. There is nothing in itself. If you think everything is fine and have been fine for a long time, then you can't say that you are fine.
-Moby dick. 1 1
Ahab's pipe is generally regarded as the elimination of happiness in Ahab's life. Ahab threw the pipe overboard, indicating that he could no longer enjoy the simple pleasures of life; Instead, he devoted his whole life to pursuing his obsession, killing Moby Dick.
There are many biblical themes. In addition to using some biblical names (see below), this book also contains many implicit or explicit hints about Jonah's story.
Ishmael's meditation also hints at the common themes among American transcendentalists, which are similar to some themes in European romanticism and Hegel's philosophy. In Whitman's poems and Emerson and Thoreau's essays, ships at sea are sometimes metaphors of souls.
Moby Dick is a symbolic work, which is very interesting because it also involves natural history and other issues. Other topics include paranoia, religion, idealism and pragmatism, revenge, racial discrimination, hierarchy and politics.
All the crew members of the "White Dove" sound like the Bible, incredible, or by descriptive names, the narrator deliberately avoids specifying the exact time and other details of similar events. In a word, these show that the narrator-and Melville-is not just a story epic deliberately casting and fable mode.
For example, Moby Dick itself is read, which symbolizes good and evil. Moby Dick is also regarded as an element of life, and we can control or win the heart of God. [need to quote]
The task of "white dove" hunting Moby itself is also widely regarded as a fable. Aha, killing whales has become the ultimate goal, which can also expand his observation of whales all his life and make everyone's goal. What's more, the whale who revenges on his behalf is similar to the fate of human struggle. The only way to escape his fantasy of marrying Ahab is to meet the Parker and another ship called gams by chance. The reader can consider what to do if he, in fact, successfully completes his task: What did other doctors do in his ultimate goal? Similarly, Melville may imply that people usually need to realize their lives, or if they are allowed to care, this goal can destroy one beyond all others. Some of these things show that in the early days of this book, when the protagonist Ishmael and his new friend are cool in bed.
Really enjoy the warmth of your body ... some small parts, you must be cold, because there is no quality. In this world, it is not just the other way around. It doesn't exist. If you flatter yourself, you will be comfortable. After a long time, you can't say comfortable.
Moby Dick, number 1 1-
He married Aha's tube, which is widely regarded as the eradication of a happy life. Putting the pipe into the sea means that he can no longer enjoy the simple pleasures of life; On the contrary, he pursued his fantasies all his life, Moby Dick and Moby Dick.
The emergence of biblical themes. This book contains many implicit memories and explicitly quoted stories, Jonah, except for using some biblical names (see below).
Ishmael's emotions also refer to the universal theme, the first romanticism in Europe in the United States, and the parallel purpose of certain specific themes, Hegel. In Whiteman Emerson and Thoreau's poems and essays, ships at sea are sometimes metaphors of souls.