Grateful parents' poetic English
Everything you taught me1313335323631343130323136353333e4b893e5b19E3/kloc. I will cherish everything you gave me in my heart forever, and I will cherish it in my heart. You are the driving force in my life. You are the driving force of my life. There's nothing. Without you, without anyone, I can't have everything today. I wouldn't feel so good if you weren't with me. Everything is wrong without you by my side. You are by my side, loving and caring for me. You love me and care about me when the sky is overcast. When I am frustrated, you are always by my side. You are always there to comfort me. No one can appear in my life, no one can take your place. You will always be that girl and the most important woman in my life. Mom, this is the lyrics of a song. Do you think it's okay? I quite like it.