The Call of Life
(Excerpted from "Spiritual Growth" magazine)
I am not interested in what your career is,
I am only I just want to know why you're in pain,
I just want to know if you dare to dream of fulfilling your deepest desires.
I am not interested in your age,
I just want to know if you dare to take the risk of being a fool,
For love, for your dreams, For living life.
I am not interested in your zodiac sign,
I just want to know whether you have touched the core of grief,
whether the betrayal of life has torn you bloody
Or you shrink and close in fear because you are afraid of pain;
I just want to know if you can sit quietly with the pain,
Whether it's yours or mine,
without running away, whitewashing it, or busy solving it;
I just want to know if you can be quiet with Joy Sit together quietly,
Whether it is yours or mine,
Can you dance wildly and let ecstasy occupy every finger and toe of yours?
Do not warn yourself that you must be careful and be realistic.
I am not interested in whether the story you tell me is true or false,
I just want to know if you dare to be true to yourself and not afraid of disappointing others,
Whether Dare to endure the accusation of betrayal without betraying your own soul,
Do you dare to betray your beliefs and therefore be truly trustworthy;
I just want to know if you can see every experience The beauty contained in it and get the source of your life from it,
Even if life is not smooth every day;
I just want to know if you can sit quietly with failure. ,
Whether it is yours or mine,
Still standing on the edge of the sea, shouting loudly to the silver full moon: Yes!
I am not interested in your residence and wealth,
I just want to know if you still get up after a night of sadness, despair, fatigue and pain,
And Be with your life force, for the sake of raising children and your career;
I am not interested in how much resentment you have, how victimized you are.
I just want to know if you can be with me
Standing in the center of the burning flames, the phoenix Nirvana;
I am not interested in you Where to live, with whom,
I just want to know
When everything external disappears, is there anything in your heart that can support you;
I just want to know if you can be with your own heart,
In the endless emptiness, if you can really like this only partner
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