Poetry recitation materials of family style and family instructions

Zhu Jiaxun (Yongchun) got up at dawn, swept the courtyard, and was neat inside and outside. If you are unconscious, you have a rest. If you close the door, you will behave well. It is not easy to think about a porridge and a meal; It is difficult to keep thinking about material resources. It is better to prepare for a rainy day than to dig a well when you are thirsty. Self-help must be frugal, and banquets must not be delayed. The utensils are clean and tidy, and the tile is better than gold; The food is exquisite, and the garden vegetables are more delicious. Don't run fancy houses, don't seek fertile land. Three aunts and six wives are the media of prostitution and theft; Beautiful girls and concubines are not the blessings of the boudoir. Don't be handsome for a servant, and don't make up for wives. Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifice must be sincere; Although children and grandchildren are stupid, they must read classics. The life cycle is simple, and the godson should have an upright side. Don't be greedy for other wealth and don't drink too much wine. Trade with your shoulders, don't take advantage; When you see poor relatives and neighbors, you must warm your shirt. Mean marriage will not last long; Lun Chang is a good boy and will die soon. Brothers and uncles must decorate widows more; Young and old, both inside and outside, should be strict with themselves. Listen to the woman say, dear flesh and blood, is it a husband? If you value wealth and ignore your parents, you can't be the son of human beings. Marry a woman, choose a good husband, and do not seek re-employment; It's not too thick to marry a daughter-in-law and beg a lady. It is most shameful to see wealth and flattery; Being arrogant when you are poor is nothing more than meanness. If you quit fighting at home, the lawsuit will be fierce; Don't talk too much in life, you will suffer. Don't bully widows by force; Don't be greedy and kill sex birds. If you are eccentric, you will regret many mistakes; Laziness and self-indulgence are hard. If you are naughty, you will be bored for a long time; Qu Zhi is old, but if you are in a hurry, you can rely on each other. Listen to the speech lightly, tell others what you know, and think twice patiently; If you argue about something, you don't know whether it is right or wrong. You must think it over calmly. Don't forget to help without thinking. Leave room for everything. It is not advisable to be proud again. People are happy and should not be jealous; People should not be happy when they are in trouble. The good that you want to be seen by others is not true, and the evil that you are afraid of being known is the great evil. Seeing the color, I reported my wife and daughter; Hide resentment with arrows in the back, delaying future generations. Family harmony, although embarrassing, is also full of joy; The Chinese class ended in the morning, but there was nothing left. I had a good time. Reading is aimed at sages, not disciples; If you are an official, you will keep your country. Keep quiet and listen to the weather forecast. If you do this, you will be very close. Family style grew with me.

Family style is a lamp that illuminates the road ahead of me. Family style is a road, accompanying me to the light. Family style is a mirror that always finds its own shortcomings.

In the hall of my house, there is a sentence hanging at the end: Only when you suffer hardships can you be a master. Every time I see these ten words, I always feel something in my heart Grandpa said that keeping this sentence in mind would benefit me a lot.

After entering junior high school, the pressure of studying is like a huge burden that makes me breathless. After the third grade, this life is even worse. By the third day, we can no longer have more time to stay in the warm bed and have more time to taste breakfast as we did in primary school. By the third day, we are even more afraid of the coming of winter. The cold wind roared in our ears like a dissatisfied housewife. It tells us that you can only move forward. Although this kind of study is very hard, no one flinches. Because everyone has a common belief: success will pave a beautiful road for tomorrow.

I slowly closed my eyes and played it back in my mind like a movie. I remember that my English grades dropped rapidly some time ago. The teacher asked me why, but I couldn't answer, so I thought about it alone. I am in a bad mood when I go home this day. Grandpa asked me about the situation, and I answered truthfully. Grandpa smiled kindly after hearing this. Grandpa said, "The most fundamental reason is that you are not serious recently, right?" I looked at grandpa and nodded. "What's the matter, can you tell grandpa?" I hung my head and said, "Actually, I'm very tired recently. I finish my homework very late every day. " After listening to this, Grandpa pointed to the words on the hall: Only after suffering can you be a master. I stared at it for a long time. Grandpa said, "Do you know why I hung this calligraphy here?" I shook my head. Grandpa said, "There are many stories here!" I will lie prone on my desk and listen to grandpa's explanation.

Grandpa said that this family style has been passed down for decades. When I was a child, my grandfather told him that if you want sweet honey to pass through the bee forest, you will never get back. If you want to succeed, what can you do to accumulate experience and experience the beauty of life without pain? I am the happiest when I listen to my grandfather talk about their past bitterness. I was suddenly enlightened. I began to pick up English books and spell words carefully. People are easy for me, I don't care, people are difficult for me, and I am not afraid of difficulties. Remember everything grandpa said. The motivation of learning will come back, as if full of power. After this mock exam, my English score has also improved to the previous level.

Family style grew with me. I will take this sentence as my motto. Suffering is our virtue, because all efforts have not been in vain, and it will give you unexpected returns. Family style keeps in mind my heart. It will always be handed down with me.