Deuteronomy 05 Listen, learn and go!

Reading classics:

Deuteronomy chapter 5.


Moses summoned all Israel and said to them, "O Israel, listen to these laws and regulations that I am telling you today, learn from them and keep them. (Shen 5: 1)

Key words:

Listen ... learn ... follow it.


Another memory and lecture of Moses began with the Ten Commandments and Covenants issued that year. Although that was 40 years ago, what Moses emphasized to the new generation of Israelis was precisely, "This Covenant was made not with our ancestors, but with those who live here today." And all laws and regulations need the people of the Lord God to listen, learn and abide by.

Unfortunately, many times "listening" doesn't mean that you are really learning. It can also be that people are thinking while listening to their hearts, and their left ears go in and their right ears go out. You can also sit under the stage and take a nap and brush your mobile phone. Such "listening" can learn nothing, how can such "listening" learn truth, and such "listening" is meaningless.

And "learning" doesn't mean that you will "obey". You may just increase all kinds of knowledge and then make yourself more proud and self-righteous. James, the brother of the Lord Jesus, put it well: "But you should be doers of the word, not just hearers, deceiving yourself." . A person who listens to the word but doesn't do it is like a person looking at his original face in the mirror, seeing it and leaving, and then forgetting what he looks like. "(Ya 1:22-24) Maybe you think it's ridiculous that a person forgets his appearance immediately after looking in the mirror, but don't we often do this? It's ridiculous to forget after listening!


Lord, may you strengthen me so that I can listen, learn and act, and be your witness. Amen!