He Jingzhi is a poet, but he is also a warrior. Whether he joins the army or not, and whether he wears a military uniform or not, he will always be a true warrior poet. Because he not only regarded writing poetry as a soldier's mission and responsibility, but also filled all his poems with the warrior's feelings, warrior's courage, warrior's tenacity and warrior's staunchness. Even in his few poems about landscapes and admiring the wind and moon, there is still a kind of vigorous passion and upward spirit, and the sincerity and straightforwardness of a warrior are also revealed! His poems are simple and simple. And pure, strong and beautiful, solid and magnificent, honest and bright, it will always be like a blooming flower, a burning fire, or a mountain waterfall that makes a metallic sound, which always makes people feel great aesthetic appreciation. Enjoy the same great wisdom enlightenment, ideological stimulation and spiritual encouragement. What is poetry? Why write poetry? For such questions, poets often answer through their own poetry creation. Although there is only one original meaning and essence of poetry, even though the correct purpose of writing poetry and the positive role it should play are unquestionably objective. However, when different poets use their own creative practices to answer this question, they often differ greatly. It is within this division that various poets appeared and various poems were formed. Among them, warrior poems are the best.
Because the greatest characteristics, the highest realm and the most... (this article***