A poem written by Zhang Jie of the Tang Dynasty says: The emperor's business is in vain when bamboos, silk and smoke are sold out, and the Guanhe River is empty and the ancestral dragon's residence is locked. Shandong was in chaos before the pit ashes were cold, and Liu Xiang did not study.
Zhang Jie (836-905), a poet of the Tang Dynasty, was named Lishan and was the son of Zhang Xiaobiao. He became a Jinshi in the third year of Qianfu of Tang Dynasty (876). In Qianfu, the minister Gao Xiang brought Shao Anshi to Beijing from Changsha. Gao Xiang presided over the examination, and Shao Anshi passed the exam. Zhang Jie's poem "Wang Ling from the Eastern Capital": "I am lazy to cultivate pearls and emeralds on the high platform, and my eyes are full of hatred. Even if I tour the east, it is useless. The king brings the beauty to himself." It expresses the injustice against the imperial examination system and is widely recited by people. . Zhang Jie pioneered "variant poetry". In rhythmic poetry, a change usually only requires the rhyming rhythm of even sentences, requiring even sentences and single sentences to have their own rhymes. Those who follow the latest trends rush to follow suit. There is a volume of "Zhang Jie Ji" handed down from generation to generation. The three generations of the Zhang family were all famous for their elegance, and it became a favorite story in central Zhejiang.
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