However, because the seasonal lag is less than 1/8 years (except near a large area of water), the meteorological season based on the average temperature model starts about three weeks earlier than the astronomical season. According to meteorology, summer is June, July and August in the northern hemisphere and December, January and February in the southern hemisphere. Today, the meteorological calculation of the four seasons is gaining wider acceptance [need to be quoted], but the definition of astronomy is still used more frequently.
The convention in Australia is to use meteorological definitions, so summer begins on 1 February1day. In Ireland, summer begins as early as May, although July, August and September are the hottest months there. In some countries, summer begins in June 1, while in others, it ends in July 1 at the latest. [Need to quote] Generally speaking, the seasonal changes in coastal areas occur later, so countries close to the ocean start summer later than inland countries (except Ireland). Summer is usually considered as the longest (and hottest) season in a year, and daytime is dominant in different degrees. [need to quote]
However, in other places, the equinoxes and equinoxes are used to mark the midpoint of the season, not the beginning. For example, in China astronomy, summer begins on or around May 6, and the solar term (solar $ TERM) is called long summer, or "long summer". An example of western usage is william shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, which takes place on the shortest night of the year, that is, the summer solstice.
In South Asia and Southeast Asia where monsoon occurs, summer is usually defined as March to May or early June, which is the warmest time of the year and ends with the beginning of monsoon rainfall.
In most countries, children don't go to school at this time of year, although the dates are different. Some started as early as mid-May, although in Britain, schools start at the age of 5- 16 and end in mid-July. In the southern hemisphere, school holidays include Christmas and New Year's Day. The summer school holiday in Australia starts a few days before Christmas and ends from the end of January to mid-February, depending on the state. Summer is also the season when many fruits, vegetables and other plants grow in an all-round way.
In popular culture,
There are many cultural associations related to summer. Commercial advertisements touting summer may involve beach images, including swimsuits, beach balls and surfboards. Summer clothing takes into account the influence of increased heat and sunshine, including but not limited to shorts, T-shirts, sundresses, sunglasses and sandals.
In the United States, Memorial Day in late May is the informal beginning of summer and Labor Day, and the informal end of summer in early September. Other summer tourism peaks appear on the weekend of July 4. Because schools have holidays in summer, this season is a good season for traveling, such as road trip. Due to supply and demand, natural gas prices tend to rise in summer. Many high school students and college students get summer jobs.
Since the end of North America 1990, probably due to the release of summer blockbusters that started on the first Friday in May, more and more businesses began to promote summer sales on May 1 day in order to take the lead among tourists. This may be because although May is usually the fifth hottest month in the northern hemisphere, it is the third longest sunshine month. In addition, the early start of the back-to-school promotion period and the trend of many States going to school on the last day before the memorial day of the fallen soldiers forced many retailers to advance the summer.