An abandoned mountain submerged by water; Wang Naili made Zhang Han the king of harmony, and all the mountains west of Xianyang were abandoned. Meng Kang said, "county name. Also in this tree. " Zhao Wei said: "The famous dog mound in the Zhou Dynasty was the capital of the king of Iraq, and Qin wanted to abolish it, so it was called the abandoned mound." The meaning is in brackets: "Goushan Old Town is an abandoned hill, and the old town is ten miles southeast of Shiping County, Yongzhou. In the second year of geography, Zhang Han committed suicide by diverting water to irrigate and abandon mountains, and even abandoned mountains. " Abandoned mountain: Baishui River is the river next to the abandoned mountain. At the end of Qin Dynasty, when Han Xinshui attacked Qin Jun, there was a poem by Han Xin: In the daytime, worms were flying all over the sky, and at sunset, the western hills were as red as blood. At night, there is still a moon outside the moon, and the wind and rain stumble down and abandon the mountain. Therefore, there are also a lot of waste Qiu Zhi to occupy Zhang Han.