Key points of Psalm 38

11.27? Psalm 38:

Paragraph analysis:

David’s memorial poem.

1. 1 O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger, do not punish me in your wrath. 2 For your arrows pierce me, and your hand holds me down. 3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your anger, and there is no rest in my bones because of my sin. 4 My sins are as high as my head, like a heavy burden that I cannot bear. 5 Because of my foolishness, my wounds stink and ooze. 6 I am in pain, my fists are bent, and I am in mourning all day long. 7 My loins are full of fire, and no part of my flesh is perfect. 8 I was bruised, my body was weary, and my heart was troubled, so I groaned. 9Lord, all my desires are before you, and my sighs are not hidden from you. 10 My heart beats, my strength fails, even the light is gone from my eyes. 11 My good friends and close friends are standing by me because of my illness; my relatives and my family are standing far away.

2. 12 Those who seek my life set a snare for me; those who seek harm against me speak evil words and think deceit all day long. 13 But I am like a deaf person who does not hear, and like a mute who does not speak. 14 I am like one who does not hear, and has no reply in his mouth. 15I hope in you, O Lord! Lord my God, you will answer me! 16 I said, "Lest they boast of me. When I stumble, they boast of me."

3. 17 I almost fell, and my pain was always before me. 18I will confess my iniquity, and I will be sorrowful because of my sin. 19 But my enemies are lively and strong, and those who hate me without reason have increased. 20 Those who repay good with evil are against me, for I seek what is good. 21 Do not abandon me, O LORD; do not turn away from me, O my God; 22 O Lord of my salvation, please help me quickly.

Scripture concept:

This Psalm is a Psalm of David. It is a memorial poem. In this article, the author begins to state directly that he is a sinner and suffers from sin. Then there is the person who talks about being hurt at the hands of sinners and prays to God. Finally, the author looked up to God in this double pain, asking God not to abandon or stay away, but to save him quickly. This is our human condition. We are sinners and live in great pain under the yoke of sin's slaves. Then all sinners live together, and harm is inevitable. When we are hurt by others, we are actually the ones who hurt others. Our hope can only be found in God. The root of our human suffering is sin. Only by solving the problem of sin can we have real peace and happiness. There is no other name in the world by which we can be saved, only by the Lord who laid down His life and shed His blood for us on the cross.

The author first describes his own suffering in sin. He is a sinner and is under the wrath of God. Please ask God not to rebuke him in his anger or punish him in his wrath. For the arrows of God were upon him, and the hand of God was upon him; because of the wrath of God, and the sin of the author, not a part of the author's flesh was perfect, nor was there rest in his bones. The author cannot bear the burden of the sin. The sin produces ignorance, stinks and pus, which makes the author's fists flex with great pain. His waist is full of fire, and his flesh is not intact. He feels uneasy after being crushed. Full of sighs, heart beating, strength weakened, even the light in the eyes gone. Friends and relatives stood at a distance. What the author expresses here is not only the pain of the body, but also the painful state of life in sin. Very ignorant, lonely, sad, living under the wrath of God, and interpersonal relationships are extremely indifferent. The author very carefully portrays this state of us sinners.

The author then discusses the harm he suffered among sinners. Searching for the author's life, setting a trap to harm him, these people uttered evil words and thought about deceit all day long, but the author did not reply, just like a deaf person who cannot hear.

But he kept everything Bring your pain before God and ask God to save you, lest the wicked exaggerate.

Finally, the author summarizes his own sins and the harm he suffered from other people’s sins, and looks to God and prays. The author almost fell, lived in pain, confessed his sins and was sorrowful about them. But the enemy is lively and strong, and these men hate without reason, and repay good with evil. The author prays to God for salvation and help. Yes, only God can eliminate sin, intervene in judgment, and solve all these problems for people.

This psalm vividly depicts our state in front of ourselves, God, and others. I am alone and miserable because of sin, under the wrath of God, and under the hurt of men. All relationships are painful, broken, and without comfort because of sin. The author looks to God, and only God can find the solution.