Theme: God has done great things for me.
Num 23:2 1 He can't see what Jacob is guilty of. There is no evil in Israel. The LORD his God was with him, and the voice of the king was among them.
Num 23:22 God brought them out of Egypt, and they seemed to have the strength of bison.
Num 23:23 No magic can harm Jacob. No divination can harm Israel. Now someone will talk about Jacob, even about Israel, saying, "What great things God has done for him.
We welcome the arrival of the king.
The center of the universe.
The center of the world
It all started with you.
belong to you
belong to you
You are the king of glory.
We welcome
King arrival
Eager to see
Your appearance
I beg you to turn it over.
stomping grounds
Awaken our sacred enthusiasm
We welcome
King arrival
Hold high your holy name with all your heart.
Ask to open the skylight
Spring rain never stops.
We shouted
Welcome the arrival of the king.
Open your mouth
Very full
Elegant as rain.
Watering this land
Invisible to the naked eye
can't hear
Eager to see more of your face.