The seventh chapter is Zhu Xi's "Analects of Confucius"
This chapter mainly records the words of the saint who humbled himself and taught others, as well as the actual appearance and deeds. Chapter thirty-seven.
Confucius said: "Reciting without writing, trusting and loving the ancients, stealing compared to me, Lao Peng." Good, get rid of the sound. It's just a narration. To create is to create something. Pretending is beyond the reach of a sage, but describing it is within the reach of a sage. It's a word of respect. Me, words of affection. Lao Peng, a wise doctor in the Shang Dynasty, was the one who saw the great ceremony and passed it on because he believed in the ancient times. Confucius deleted poems and books, established rituals and music, praised the Book of Changes, and revised the Spring and Autumn Annals. They all passed down the legacy of the previous kings, but he did not accomplish anything, so he said this to himself. Not only did he not dare to be a saint of the author, but he also did not dare to attach himself to the sages of ancient times. This is because the more his virtues grew, the lower his heart became, and he did not realize how modest his words were. Of course, at that time, the author was slightly prepared, and the master made a compromise based on the great achievements of the saints. Although the deeds have been described, the results are twice as great as the deeds. This cannot be ignored.
Confucius said: "I know it silently, I am not tired of learning, and I am not tired of teaching others. What does it have to do with me?" Knowledge, pronunciation, and words are also like words. Knowledge, memory. Silent awareness means keeping all thoughts without speaking. One said: Consciousness, knowledge, is understood without words. The former is said to be the near. What is there for me, what can it be for me? The three of them are no longer the ultimate saint, but they still dare not act accordingly, which is a humble and humble statement.
Confucius said: "If you don't cultivate virtue, if you don't learn it, you can't move after hearing it, and you can't change your bad deeds, that's what worries me." Yin said: "Virtue must be cultivated before it can be achieved, and learning must be taught before it can be achieved. Ming, seeing good things, being able to correct mistakes without hesitation, these four are the key to improvement. If you fail to do it, the sage will still worry, how about the scholar? Yaoyaoruye. Yanju, when you have nothing to do. Yang said: "Shen Shen, his appearance is comfortable. Yaoyao, his color is pleasant." Chengzi said: "This disciple is good at describing the saints. Because the word Shen Shen can't describe it, he added the word Yaoyao. Today When people live in Yanju, if they are not lazy and unruly, they must be too strict. When they are strict, they cannot use these four words. When they are lazy and unruly, they cannot use these four words. But the saint has his own temperament."
Confucius said: "It is so bad that I have become weak! It has been a long time since I dreamed of seeing the Duke of Zhou anymore." Again, support and reverse. When Confucius was in his prime, he aspired to practice the way of Duke Zhou, so he saw it in his dreams. When he gets old and can no longer act, he will no longer have such a heart, and he will no longer have such dreams, so he laments his decline. Cheng Zi said: "When Confucius was in his prime, he often practiced the way of the Duke of Zhou; when he was old, his aspirations were declining and he could not do anything. The heart of those who keep the way is no different from young and old; and the body of those who practice the way is old. Then it will decline."
Confucius said: "Those who are determined to be determined are what their hearts are called. This is what they should do in daily life. , then what is appropriate is correct, and there is no confusion about other differences. According to virtue, the one who adheres to it is to obtain it, and to obtain it from the heart without losing it. If you keep it without losing it, you will always be the same, and you will have new achievements. If you rely on benevolence, you will not violate it, and your selfish desires will be gone, and your heart will be complete without any violation. , then the cultivation is mature, and it is not suitable for the trend of nature. "Wandering in art is called playing with things to suit your mood." Arts include the writing of rituals and music, the methods of archery, imperial calligraphy, calligraphy, and numeracy, all of which are based on the most rational principles and cannot be neglected for daily use. If you travel around day and night to gain an interest in its principles, you will have more than enough to do, but your mind will have nothing to worry about. This chapter states that this is what a person should do to learn. Learning should not be preceded by determination. If you aspire to the Tao, your heart will be righteous and not others; if you rely on virtue, the Tao will be obtained in the heart without losing it; if you rely on benevolence, your virtue will be used frequently but material desires will not be fulfilled; if you play games, you will not leave behind small things and move on. Nurturing. Here, scholars should not lose the order of sequence and the importance of importance, so that they should balance the basic and the basic, cultivate internal and external aspects, and have no gaps between daily use. Domain.
① "Those who are virtuous will gain the right to follow the Tao", which is imitated from the Song Dynasty's original work in the Qing Dynasty "Those who are virtuous will gain something by practicing the Tao". Wu Ying thought that the latter text was not the text originally written by Zhu Xi, so he did not take it. He detailed the text in Appendix Four of this book, which is the final text of the text.
Confucius said: "If you can do more than self-cultivation, I will not have nothing to teach you." Cultivation means preserved food. A bundle of ten breasts. When the ancients meet each other, they will always hold the zhi as a courtesy and tie up the thinnest ones. This principle applies to all human beings, so the sage always wants them to do good things. But if you don’t know how to come to learn, you will not have the etiquette to teach. Therefore, if you come with etiquette, you will have to teach.
Confucius said: "If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened. If you are not angry, you will not be angry. If you don't rebel against three corners, you will never recover." Anger means rebellion. Afraid, the bandit rebels. Complex, support and reverse. The angry person is seeking for enlightenment but does not get it. A shy person is one who wants to speak but cannot. Kai means to open up its meaning. Fa, that is to say, express one's words. There are four corners of things, and three of them can be known by taking one. On the contrary, it is the meaning of mutual proof. Fu, sue again. In the previous chapter, we have mentioned the meaning of the sage being tireless in teaching. With this in mind, I hope that scholars will work hard and think that this is a place where they can receive instruction. Cheng Zi said: "Angry and sincerity can be seen in words and expressions. Wait until the person is sincere and then tell him. Once you tell him, you must wait for him to feel satisfied before telling you again." He also said: "Don't wait for the anger to show up, then tell him. Know that it cannot be strong; wait for it to become angry and then it will be full."
The child eats on the side of the mourning person and is not full. In the face of mourning, one cannot be content with it. The Master then wept every day and did not sing. To cry means to cry in condolence. Within a day, I still remember my sorrow, so I can't sing. Xie said: "Scholars can see the righteousness of the sage's emotions through these two. If you can understand the sage's emotions, you can then learn the Tao."
The Master said to Yan Yuan: "Use it and you will do it. If you give it up, you will hide it. Only I and you will have this husband!” Husband, sound support. Yin said: "To give up nothing for oneself, to walk and hide and be content with what is encountered, life is not worthy of the Tao. Yan Zi is almost like a sage, so he can do it."
Zilu said, "When Zi marches with three armies, who will join them?" "An army of 2,500 people constitutes the three armies of a great country. Zilu saw that Confucius was the only one with a beautiful face, and was proud of his bravery. He thought that if the master marched in the three armies, he would be with him. Confucius said: "Those who are fierce tigers and rivers, and die without regrets, I don’t agree with you. You must be afraid when things happen, and you are good at making plans. "Feng, Pi Bing rebels. Good, go away. Baohu, just fighting. Feng He, just wading. Fear means respecting his work. Success means fulfilling his plan. All of this is to teach them to suppress their courage, and then do it. The key to being a teacher is nothing more than this, but Zi Lugai didn’t know it. His actions are not greedy for position, and his possessions are not solely good. If you have a desire, you should not use it but seek to practice it, let it go and not hide it, so only Yan Zi can do it. Although Zilu was not a person with a desire, he still could not say that there was no certainty. If he asked about marching the three armies, his theory would be humble. The master's words are to save them when they are lost. If you don't plan, you won't succeed, and you won't be afraid of defeat. It's a small thing, but what's more, how about marching the three armies? ”
Confucius said: “Wealth can be sought after. Even if you are a whip-wielding man, I will do it.” If you can't ask for it, do as I like. "Okay, go away. Holding a whip is the job of a lowly person. If wealth can be sought, then even if you are a lowly servant, you will not hesitate to ask for it. However, there is a destiny, and you can get it without asking for it, so you will be content with it. It's just a matter of principle, so why do you want to be insulted? Su said: "The sage has no intention of seeking wealth, so how can he ask whether it is possible?" Those who say this specifically want to make it clear that they will never seek you. Yang said: "A gentleman does not dislike wealth and honor and does not seek it, because there is no way to seek it in heaven." ”
What Zi is careful about: Qi means war and illness. Qi means both sides are reversed. Qi means to express Qi, and those who are not Qi in their thoughts and considerations should be sacrificed and handed over to the gods. Sincerity. Whether it comes or not, whether the gods enjoy it or not, all depend on this. The life and death of the people and the survival of the country depend on this, and the reason why I live and die due to illness cannot be ignored. Yin said: “Master is careful in everything, and disciples remember his greatness. "
Zi Wenshao in Qi, in March, did not know the taste of meat. He said: "I don't want to do it just for pleasure! "Historical Records has the word "Xue Zhi" in March. I don't know the taste of meat, and my heart is so full of it that I don't care about him. He said: I didn't expect Shun's music to be so beautiful, but he was prepared with extremely sentimental writing, and he didn't notice it. The deepness of the sigh is probably due to the insufficiency of a non-sage. Fan said: "Shao is as beautiful as it is good, and there is nothing more to add to it." Therefore, when I studied it in March, I didn’t know the taste of meat, but I marveled at how beautiful it was. The sincerity is profound and the feeling is profound. "
Ran You said: "Is Master Wei Jun? "Zigong said: "No. I will ask. "Wei, Qu Sheng. Wei, still help. Weijun, came out of Gongjue. Linggong drove away his crown prince, Kuaiyi. Gong died, and the people of the country established Kuaiyi's son, Zui. So Jin accepted Kuaiyi, but Kuaiyi rejected him. At that time, Confucius lived in the Wei Dynasty, and the people of the Wei Dynasty had offended his father, and his direct grandson was appointed, so Ran asked him about it. Nuo Yingciye came in and said, "Who are Boyi and Shuqi?" Said: "A wise man from ancient times." Said: "Resent?" He said, "If you seek benevolence and gain benevolence, why complain?" He came out and said, "Master, you don't want to do anything." "Bo Yi and Shu Qi are the second sons of Lord Guzhu. His father was about to die and he ordered Shu Qi to be appointed. When his father died, Shu Qi succeeded Boyi. Boyi said: "My father ordered me to do that" and he fled. Shu Qi also refused to stand and fled. The people of the country appointed him as their son. Later, King Wu attacked Zhou, and the Yi and Qi seized their horses and remonstrated. King Wu destroyed the Shang, and the Yi and Qi were ashamed to eat Zhou Su, and then hid in Shouyang Mountain and died of hunger. . A gentleman lives in this country, not as a high official, but as a king? Therefore, Zigong does not criticize Wei Jun, but asks Yi and Qi. If the master tells him this, it is obvious that he is not Wei Jun. Your Majesty, Shu Qi attaches great importance to his country. He also seeks justice that is in line with the laws of nature, and that is the peace of people's hearts. Now that they have achieved their goals, they regard their country as a waste, so there is no reason to complain. ? If Wei Zhuo seizes the country and rejects his father for fear of losing it, he cannot speak clearly in the same year. Chengzi said: "Bo Yi and Shu Qi fled the country, remonstrated and attacked, but in the end they had no regrets. Master thought he was virtuous, so he knew it." It's not like that. ”
Confucius said: “If you eat sparingly and drink water, bend your arms and rest on them, you will enjoy it.” Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. "Fan, Fu Wanrei. Food, sound. Pillow, remove the sound. Music, sound. Rice, food. Spare food, coarse food. The heart of a saint is completely in accordance with the laws of nature. Even though he is extremely trapped, he is also happy. Everything is absent. He regards unjust wealth as nothingness, and is indifferent to it. Cheng Zi said: "It is not happiness to eat and drink sparingly. Even if you eat and drink sparingly, it cannot change your happiness." Unjust wealth is as light as a floating cloud. "Also said: "You must know what you are happy about. ”
Confucius said: “Give me a few more years and fifty to learn Yi, and there will be no big mistake.” "Liu Pinjun saw Liu Zhongding Gong of Yuancheng and tried to read his theory. "Jia" was false, and "fifty" was false. Gaijia and falsetto were similar and misunderstood, and "die" was similar to Wuxi, so they were misunderstood. Stupid press : The words in this chapter are regarded as "fake me for several years, if I were in the Yi Dynasty, I would be correct", but there is no Fushi. It means that Confucius was already seventy years old at this time, so the Fifushi is undoubtedly wrong. . If you learn Yi, you will understand the principles of good and bad, and the way of survival and destruction, so you can make no big mistakes. The sage has a deep understanding of the infinite meaning of Yi, and he teaches this to people, so that they know that they must learn it, but they must not learn it. It is easy to learn.
Zi’s poems, books, and rituals are all elegant. The words of "Jin Jie" are all based on the reality of daily use, so it is often said that the etiquette is only expressed in words, and it is not just a recitation. Cheng Zi said: "Confucius' elegant and simple words stop at this. If nature is related to the way of heaven, then there are things that cannot be heard but must be recognized in silence. Xie said: "This is because I learned the language of Yi and recorded it by analogy." ”
Ye Gong asked Confucius about Zi Lu, and Zi Lu was wrong. Ye, Shu She rebelled against him. Ye Gong, Yin Shen Zhuliang of Ye County of Chu, had the courtesy name Zi Gao and arrogated the title of Duke.
Ye Gong did not know Confucius, so there must be people who asked questions that were not what he asked, so the way of Confucius was wrong. Or is it because of the virtues of saints that there are actually people who have never changed their sayings? Confucius said: "Young woman Xibu said, as a human being, when you are angry you forget to eat, and when you are happy you forget your worries. You don't know how old you are." If you don't get it, you get angry and forget to eat; if you get it, you get happy and forget your worries. Therefore, the two of them have been breeding for a long time. They don't know how old they are, but they say that they are eager to learn. However, if you take a closer look at it, you will see that its entirety is extremely pure and wonderful, which is beyond the reach of non-sages. Scholars should think deeply about what Master Gai Fan said to himself.
Confucius said: "I am not a person who is born with knowledge. I am fond of the past and am keen to pursue it." Good, get rid of the sound. Those who are born knowing have a clear temperament and clear principles. They know without learning. Sensitivity means speed, which means Ji Ji. ○Yin Shi said: "Confucius regarded the sage of knowledge as a source of knowledge. Every time he said that a good scholar was not just to encourage people, but also to understand the principles and principles of those who can be known by life. If one is a man of rituals, music, famous objects, and the events of ancient and modern times, one must learn them first and then verify the truth.
The Master does not talk about strange things, strength, chaos, and gods. Weird things, bravery, and chaotic things are not righteous, and the ghosts and gods are not evil, but they are not poor. The truth is not easy to understand, so it is not easy to talk about people. God of language.
Confucius said: "When three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher." Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. "Three people are walking together, one of them is me. One of the two is good and the other is evil, so I will change the evil from the good. These two are my teachers. Yin Shi said: "When I see the virtuous, I think about it. If you are not virtuous but reflect on yourself, then good and evil are all my teachers. Is there any limit to progressing in good deeds? ”
Confucius said: “I am born with virtue, how can I do it?” "孋, Tu Lei rebelled. Huan Mao, Song Dynasty Sima Xiang Mao. He came from Huan Gong, so he was also called the Huan family. Mao wanted to harm Confucius, and Confucius said that since God has given me such virtues, what can Huan Mao do to me? The words must not go against heaven and harm oneself.
Confucius said: "Do you think that I am a hidden person?" I have nothing to hide. I have nothing to do but do not cooperate with my two or three sons, this is Qiuye. "The disciples think that the master's teachings are profound and incomparable, so they suspect that they are hidden. They don't know that the sage's actions, stops, words, and silence are nothing but teachings. Therefore, the master uses these words to make it known. And, it is still a demonstration. Chengzi said: " The way of the sage is as natural as it is natural. The disciples will know it firsthand and hope to reach it, and then they will know that it is high and far away. If sincerity is considered unattainable, then the intention to move towards it is not almost lazy? Therefore, the teachings of saints are often followed in such a way that it not only makes those with mediocre qualifications try to reach it, but also makes those with high talents not dare to advance in an easy way. Lu said: "The saint's human body and Tao are not hidden, and the heavenly phenomena are clear. Could it be the ultimate teaching?" It is often shown to others, but people do not notice it themselves. "
Zi taught four things: literature, conduct, loyalty, and trustworthiness. Conduct, eliminate voice. Cheng Zi said: "Teach people to learn literature and practice to maintain loyalty and trustworthiness. Loyalty and trustworthiness. ”
Confucius said: “I cannot see a sage; I cannot see a gentleman.” "Sage, the name for the unpredictable gods. Gentleman, the name for outstanding talent and virtue. Confucius said: "I can't see a good man, but I can't see him who has permanence. Heng, Hu Deng rebelled. ○The word "子曰" is doubtful. Heng means lasting. Zhang Zi said: "Those who have perseverance do not care about their hearts. Those who are good are determined to be benevolent and have no evil." It is difficult to have permanence when death becomes existence, emptiness becomes abundance, and agreement becomes peace. "Death" is pronounced as "nothing". All three are empty boasts. Anyone who is like this will not be able to maintain his usual behavior. Zhang Jingfu said: "Sages and gentlemen use learning to speak, good people and perseverance speak with quality." "Foolish people say that those who have permanence are indistinguishable from saints, but there is no one who can reach sainthood without permanence. Therefore, the end of the chapter prophesies the meaning of permanence, and it shows people the door to virtue, which can be said to be profound and profound. It's clear.
The Yi does not shoot at the target, but the fish also uses the fishing net to catch the fish. Also. Su, a resident bird. Hong said: "Confucius was poor and lowly, so he fished for food and sacrifice as a last resort, just like hunting. However, it is not appropriate to take everything out and catch it unexpectedly. This shows the true nature of benevolent people. If you treat things like this, you can know how you treat people; if you treat small people like this, you can know how to treat big people. ”
Confucius said: “If there are those who do things without knowing it, I am not right.” If you hear a lot, you will choose the good ones and follow them; if you see a lot, you will recognize them. This is the inferiority of knowledge. "Knowledge, sound and mind. Doing something without knowing it, doing it rashly without knowing the reason. Confucius said that he did not do anything rashly, and he was modest about it, but it can also be seen that he knew everything. Knowledge, remembering. You must choose what to do, remember. Then both good and evil should be kept for reference. Although those who do not know the truth can still be inferior to those who know it. , The wise people are all against each other. The people are accustomed to bad things, and it is difficult to talk about good things. I doubt that the master should see it. People purify themselves in order to advance, but if they purify themselves, they will not protect their way forward. "I suspect there is an error in this chapter. The fourteen characters from "renjie" to "wengye" should be before "qijinye". Jie means repair. With, xuye. Go means the day before yesterday. It is said that people will clean themselves up. If you allow them to clean their ears, you will not be able to protect the good and evil they did the day before. But if you allow them to come and see your ears, you will not allow them to retreat and do bad things. This is the heart, and the ears are full of feelings. The words are only up and down, and there are doubts about them. It is probably not the meaning of the past. Cheng Zi said: "The sage treats things like this." "
Confucius said: "How far is benevolence? I desire benevolence, and this is the utmost benevolence. "The virtue of a benevolent person is not external. If you let it go and don't seek it, you may think it is far away. If you seek it instead, it is already here. How can it be far away? Cheng Zi said: "Being benevolent depends on oneself, and what you desire will come to you. , how far is it? ”
Chen Sibei asked Duke Zhao if he knew the propriety? Confucius said: “You know the propriety.” "Chen, the name of the country.
Si defeated, the official name, that is, Sikou. Zhao Gong, Lu Jun, named Kuai. Accustomed to the solemn etiquette, I thought I knew etiquette at that time. Therefore, Si Bai asked the question, and Confucius answered in this way. Confucius retreated, bowed down to Wu Ma, and came in, saying: "I heard that a gentleman is not a party member, but a gentleman is also a party member? You took the same surname from Wu and called him Wu Mengzi. Know the etiquette, but who doesn’t know the etiquette? ○Wuma's surname is Qi, a disciple of Confucius, and his given name is Shi. Si defeated and advanced. Helping each other and hiding is not a party. Li does not marry people with the same surname, but Lu and Wu both have the surname Ji. He is called Wu Mencius, but it is taboo to mention someone with the same surname as a woman from the Song Dynasty. The witch and horse expect to report. Confucius said: "Qiu Ye is lucky. If you have made a mistake, others will know it." Confucius should not say that it is evil to hide the king, and he should not marry someone with the same surname as a courtesy, so he should accept it as a fault without saying goodbye. Wu said: "The country of Lu Gai's parents, Duke Zhao, was the first king of Lu. Si Bai did not reveal his true nature, but suddenly asked about knowing etiquette. This is how he should deal with it. Si Bai thought he had a party, But the Master’s acceptance is regarded as a fault, which reflects the Master’s great virtue. However, it is not correct to say that it is a fault. If you don’t know the things of Mencius at the beginning, it can be the law of the world. ”
The son sings to others and is kind, and he will make them do the opposite and then make peace with them. And, go to the sound. Anti, complex. It will definitely make those who sing again want to get the details and take the good ones. And those who make peace with it later will be happy with its details and be kind to it. This shows that the saint is calm and sincere, yet he is humble and considers secrets, and does not hide his kindness from others. Even if one thing is trivial, the collection of many good deeds may be overwhelming. Readers should study it in detail.
Confucius said: "Wen, don't be like me. If you behave like a gentleman, I won't get anything." Mo, hesitation. As a Jew, you can't talk to others, but you can still be kind to them. If there is no gain, then there is no gain at all, which is all self-effacing remarks. But it is enough to see the difficulty and urgency of words and deeds, and it is true that you want others to encourage you. Xie said, "Although the saints in literature are all the same as others, they are not inferior; if they can act as gentlemen, they can become saints, so they cannot live in it; I still say that the three egos of the gentleman are incompetent."
Confucius said: " If you are saintly and benevolent, how can I dare to do it without getting tired of teaching others? "Gong Xihua said: "It is only the disciples who cannot learn." This is also the humble words of the master. The saint is great and transformed. Benevolence means that the heart and virtue are complete and the humanity is well prepared. To do this is called the way of benevolence and sainthood. Teaching people also means teaching people by this. However, if you don't get tired of it, you can't do it if you don't have it yourself, so the disciples can't learn it. Chao said: "At that time, there were people who called Master sage and benevolent, so they dismissed him as Master. If you just rebuke him, you will not be able to enter the world and lead the good in the world. Sage and benevolence will be empty tools, and people will end up dead. It can’t be achieved. Therefore, although the Master is not a benevolent saint, he will never tire of teaching others.” It can be said that there is no other way. Gong Xihua looked up and sighed, he also knew the master's intention well.
Zi Lu is ill, please pray. Confucius said: "Is there any?" Zilu said to him: "Yes." He said: "Pray to the gods above and below you." Confucius said: "Qiu has been praying for a long time." He said, "The force ① is reversed." Prayer means praying to ghosts and gods. There are many. I wonder if there is such a reason. The person who mourns the death is also the words to describe his actions. Up and down, it is called heaven and earth. Heaven is called God, and Earth is called God. Those who pray repent and do good deeds in order to pray for God's blessing. If there is no reason for it, there is no need to pray. Since it is said that it exists, then the saint has never had any faults and has nothing good to do. His behavior has been consistent with the gods, so he said: "Qiu has been praying for a long time." In addition, during funerals and illnesses, the five sacrifices were prayed. This shows that the ministers are extremely anxious and cannot help themselves, so they do not invite the sick at first and then pray. . Therefore, Confucius did not reject Zilu outright, but simply told him to pray for nothing.
① "Li" was originally written as "Nine", which was modified according to the Qing Dynasty imitation of the Song Dynasty large-character version.
Confucius said: "To be extravagant is not to be a grandson, but to be frugal is to be solid. It is better to be solid than not to be grand." Sun, go to the sound. Sun, Shun Ye. Solid and ugly. Extravagance and frugality are both missing the mark, and extravagance can do great harm. Chao said: "It is a disadvantage to have to save the time."
Confucius said: "A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain has a lot of worries." Frank means flat. Dangdang, broad appearance. Chengzi said: "The gentleman follows the principles, so he is always comfortable; the villain works for things, so he has many worries." Chengzi said: "The gentleman is magnanimous, with a broad mind and a fat body."
Zi is gentle but fierce, and powerful. Not fierce, respectful and peaceful. Li, serious. The virtues of a person are all inherent, but the endowments of temperament are rarely unbiased. However, the whole body of a saint is unified, and the yin and yang are in harmony, so the harmonious energy can be seen in the appearance. The disciples observed it carefully and memorized it in detail, which shows the carefulness of their intentions. It is impossible for someone who is not knowledgeable enough to understand a sage and is good at speaking and practicing virtue. Therefore, Chengzi thought of Zengzi's words. It is advisable for scholars to repeat and play with their minds.