Gains and experiences in translating ancient books.

This year, Emperor Wen granted him the title of Tingwei. Soon, Wendi passed by Zhongwei Bridge, and a man ran out from under the bridge, and the horse of Wendi's carriage was frightened. So he sent someone to arrest him and tell him about it. When Shi Zhi interrogated the man, he said, "I found someone coming. I heard that Wendy was traveling, so she hid under the bridge. After a long time, I thought that the team had passed, and when I saw the horses and chariots still there, I came out and ran. " Shi Zhi said to Wendi, "This man collided with your trip and should be punished." Wendi was very angry (he didn't listen to his instructions) and said, "This man has alarmed my horse himself, so he can use the gentle character of the horse to control it. (Now the horse is frightened. If it was another horse, it wouldn't hurt me, would it? However, you were fined for releasing. "

Shi Zhi said: "The law is the reliance of the whole world, and the whole world abides by it." . If we handle this matter like this today, the serious thing is that the law cannot be trusted by the people. At that time, Wendi Deng sent me to kill the prisoner. Now things are so detached from my post, Ting Wei's post can be regarded as a steelyard, which is uneven and falls down, and law enforcement people all over the world will follow suit. What should people do? I just want you to think it over. Wendy took a long time to say, "You did the right thing. "

First, the law is the law of the world and should be observed by * * *. Can't be different from person to person.

Second, the implementation of the law must be fair and unshakable. That is, there are laws to follow now, and there are laws to follow.

Thirdly, Wendi can listen to the advice of Shi Zhi, which shows that he is sober as an emperor.

Fourth, ancient laws were mostly served by the ruling class, but there were some shortcomings. Compared with modern law, it is not strict.

On the one hand, I hope that historical records can be used as a reference for the ruling class, on the other hand, I hope that I or future generations can have a relatively fair law. Thus making it easier for people to believe in and govern.

This story also tells us to uphold justice and fight against illegal and unreasonable behaviors.

Seven, from this story, we can also see that the ancient emperors were arrogant and extravagant. You can't share joys and sorrows with the people.

Hehe, not necessarily right. Let's make a reference.