What is the average score in classical measurement theory?

In the classical measurement theory, the average score belongs to centralized quantitative analysis.

Content of classical measurement theory:

1. measurement: the classical measurement theory focuses on the process of quantifying and evaluating psychological structure (such as ability, trait, attitude, etc.). ). Measurement refers to the use of certain rules and methods to convert observed behaviors or reactions into numerical scores or measurement results.

2. True score and false score: The classical measurement theory assumes that each subject has a true score in a certain psychological construct, that is, the true score. However, errors, including random errors and systematic errors, will be introduced in the measurement process, which will lead to the difference between the observed score and the real score, that is, the error score.

3. Credibility: Credibility refers to the degree to which the measuring tool produces consistent results in multiple applications. Classical measurement theory provides a method to estimate the reliability of measuring tools, such as Cronbach's α and retest reliability.

4. Validity: Validity refers to whether the measuring tool can correctly measure the psychological construct of the tested person. Validity in classical measurement theory can include content validity, discriminant validity and correlation validity.

5. Measurement error distribution: According to the classical measurement theory, the measurement error distribution obeys normal distribution. This property of probability distribution makes it possible to estimate the relationship between true score and false score by statistical method.

Advantages and disadvantages of classical measurement theory;


1. Easy to understand: The classical measurement theory provides a relatively simple framework, which is easy to understand and apply. It uses traditional statistical methods to enable researchers to quickly develop and evaluate measurement tools.

2. Reliability estimation: The classical measurement theory provides a method to estimate the reliability, which enables researchers to evaluate the consistency and stability of measuring tools. This is helpful to judge whether the measuring tool produces reliable results in different situations.

3. Analysis of measurement error: Classical measurement theory emphasizes the influence of measurement error on measurement results and provides a method to estimate and control measurement error. This enables researchers to more accurately understand the reliability and accuracy of the measurement results.


1. Limitations of assumptions: Classical econometric theory is based on some assumptions, such as normal distribution assumption and linear relationship assumption. However, in practical application, these assumptions are not always correct. Therefore, in some cases, the classical measurement theory may have certain limitations.

2. Ignoring the measurement characteristics: The classical measurement theory mainly focuses on the relationship between the true score and the wrong score, while ignoring other factors of individual differences. For some psychological constructs, such as complex cognitive ability or special skills, classical measurement theory may not fully capture their characteristics.

3. The distinction between reliability and validity: The classical measurement theory emphasizes the estimation of reliability, but in some cases it may ignore the importance of validity. The measuring tool may have high internal consistency (reliability), but it may not accurately reflect the psychological structure (effectiveness) to be measured.