As the saying goes, "Yang will hurt the husband, Yin will hurt the woman, both yin and yang will hurt the husband and wife, and the husband and wife who are not prosperous." It's best not to marry Yin and Yang, Pepsi kira yamato. What is "Yin and Yang Will Not" Day?
The ancient book "Tianbao Calendar" said: "Yin and Yang don't meet, and the moon is built for Yang, which is called Yang structure. From the first month, the yin will rise and twelve branches will advance;
The evil month is yin, which is called yin structure, and the twelve branches are retrograde from the first month;
It is divided into, Hui and Meridian.
General Yang, General Yin, General Yin and General Yin, General Yin and General Yin. "
On the wedding day, besides the meeting of Yin and Yang, the days of Tiande, Yuede, Niande, Ji, Mucang, Sanhe and Guiren are also good auspicious days. Yin and Yang are not the only choice.