I reported to the prince of Zhao in the north, crossed Luoyang, rode the trench, and many officials sent people to suspect the king. Zhou Xian
Wang Wenzhi's fear, except Tao, makes people work hard. Su Qin's brother, wife and sister-in-law all raised eyebrows and dared not look up. They crouched down and waited for food. The abbreviation of Suzhou/Jiangsu Province/Soviet Union/a surname
Qin laughed and said to his sister-in-law, "Why should I be respectful?" Sibling Committee; Get dressed, cover your face on the ground and thank you: "See Ji Zi.
A very high position and a lot of money. Su Qin's manner of sighing said, "This man is rich and afraid of his relatives, but he is poor and easy.
Yes, the situation is very good! And I have two hectares of land, why envy the six countries! "Daughter so scattered.
To friends of the clan. At the beginning, Yan of Su Qin borrowed money as capital, and was extremely rich and rewarded with money. Report to the world
People who have tasted virtue. One of his followers didn't get the report alone, but he said it before. Su Qin said, "I must forget my son. The sum of children
I went to Yan, I repeatedly wanted to go to my Xiao, but the time was up and I was sleepy, so I was deeply looking forward to my son, and it was the next child. Zi Jin also understood.
oh "
Su Qin became the leader of the longitudinal alliance and served as the phase of the six countries.
Su Qin went north to the Prince of Zhao, passing through Luoyang on the way. The accompanying vehicles and horses were loaded with luggage, and many envoys were sent off by the governor, comparable to the emperor. Hearing the news, King Xian of Zhou was afraid, so he quickly found someone to clear the way for him, and sent envoys to the suburbs to meet the spirits. Su Qin's brother, wife and sister-in-law all squinted and dared not look up at him. They all fell to the ground and served him with great respect. Su Qin smiled and said to her sister-in-law, "Why were you so arrogant to me before, but now you are so obedient to me?" His sister-in-law quickly fell to her knees, bent down and knelt in front of him, confessing her face to face and saying, "Because I think your brother-in-law has a high position and a lot of money." Su Qin said with emotion, "I am the same person. My relatives will be afraid of me when I am rich, and they will despise me when I am poor. Besides ordinary people! If I have two hectares of fertile land in the suburbs of Luoyang, can I still wear photos of the six countries now? " At that time, he divided his daughter and gave it to relatives and friends. At the beginning, Su Qin went to the state of Yan and borrowed one hundred dollars for the trip. Now that he is rich, he takes out one hundred pieces of gold (one million dollars) to repay the man. And thank all those who have been kind to him before. Only one attendant didn't get paid, so he went forward and said. Su Qin said, "I haven't forgotten you. When you went to Yan with me. By Yishui, you repeatedly want to leave me. At that time, I was embarrassed, so I blamed you deeply, so I put you last, and now you can get a reward. " /Article _ 273/200754 16570788- 1 . html