Translation of ancient books under Mencius' accusation

Mengzi gaozixia

Kindness and peace

original text

Zhang Song led his troops to Chu. When Mencius saw the stone pier, he said, "How are you, sir?"

He said, "I heard that Qin Chu has formed an army. I will give up when I see the King of Chu. The king of Chu was unhappy, so I went to see the king of Qin and forgot about it. I will meet the second king. "

He said, "Don't ask me in detail, I want to hear what it means. What will it look like? "

Yue: "I don't know."

He said: "The ambition of a gentleman is great, but the title of a gentleman is not great. Mr. Eli said that the King of Qin and Chu and Wang Yue of Qin Chu were beneficial to him, and they could not be teachers of the three armed forces. What is happy and satisfied with him is a man from the three armed forces. A minister must be a minister, a son must be a father, and a brother must be a brother. It is the monarch, ministers, father and son, and brothers who finally move towards righteousness. Those who will not die will have nothing. Mr. Wang said that the king of Qin and Chu called benevolence and righteousness, and the teachers of the three armed forces were happy and liked benevolence and righteousness. A benevolent minister is a gentleman, a benevolent son is a father, and a benevolent brother is a brother. It is the monarch, the father and son, and the brothers who benefit from each other. However, they are not kings, and there is something at the end. Why bother to make a profit? "


Zhang Song was going to Chu, where Mencius met him. Mencius asked, "Where is Sir going?"

Song Ying said, "I heard that there is a war in Qin Chu. I'm going to see the King of Yue and persuade him to stop fighting. If the king of Chu doesn't listen, I'm going to see the king of Qin and persuade him to stop fighting. Of the two kings, I will always convince one. "

Mencius said: "I don't want to ask too many details, just want to know your general meaning." How are you going to convince them? "

Zhang Song said, "I will tell them that fighting is bad."

Mencius said, "Mr. Wang's motive is very good, but Mr. Wang's formulation is not good." Mr. Wang used profits to persuade the king of Qin and the king of Chu. The king of Qin and the king of Chu were happy because they had advantages, so they stopped military operations. The officers and men of the army are also happy because they have advantages, so they are willing to stop fighting. We can't serve the monarch with the interests of the lieutenants, serve the father with the interests of the sons, and serve the brothers with the interests of the younger brothers. This will completely eliminate the righteousness between the monarch and the minister, between the father and the son, and between the brothers, and treat each other with interests, so that the country will not perish. If Mr. Wang advised the king of Qin and the king of Chu with benevolence and righteousness, the king of Qin and the king of Chu rejoiced with benevolence and righteousness, so they stopped military operations; The officers and men of the army are also happy with righteousness, so they are willing to stop fighting. Taking benevolence as a minister, benevolence as a son, and benevolence as a brother will make the relationship between monarch and minister, between father and son, and between brothers completely free from interests, and treat each other with benevolence, which will not make the world submit. There is no such thing. Why talk about' profit'? "