Legendary stories in the ancient Bible

The stories about Sodom in the Bible mainly focus on Genesis18:16 ~19: 29.

Copy down the original text, I hope you can use it.


So the three men set out from there and looked towards Sodom. Abraham also went with them to take a ride with them.

And the Lord said, shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?

18 Abraham will surely become a strong country, and all the nations on the earth will be blessed by Monta.

19 I took care of him, so that he might command his children and his family to keep my way and do justice and righteousness, so as to fulfill all my covenant with Abraham.

And the Lord said, I have heard that the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah is great.

2 1 I'm going down to see what they have done now. Do they really sound like voices reaching my ears? If not, I will know.

They left there for Sodom. But Abraham still stood before the Lord.

Abraham came forward and said, Are you going to destroy the good and the bad?

If there were fifty righteous people in that city, would you still destroy that place? Don't you forgive the fifty righteous people in the city?

Destroying the wicked and serving others with virtue is by no means what you do. Is it not to judge the Lord of the whole earth?

If I find fifty righteous people in Sodom, says the Lord, I will forgive all the people there for their sake.

Abraham said, Although I am dust, I dare to speak to the Lord.

If five of these fifty righteous people are short, will you destroy the whole city because of these five? And he said, If I find forty-five there, I will not destroy the city.

Abraham said to him, what if forty were found there? And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake.

Abraham said, please don't be angry, let me speak. What if there are thirty? He said, if I find thirty there, I won't do it.

3 1 Abraham said, I dare to speak to the Lord. What if I find twenty there? And he said, I will not destroy the city for the sake of these twenty.

Abraham said, please don't be angry. Let me say it again. What if there are ten people there? And he said, I will not destroy the city for the sake of these ten.

When the Lord had finished talking with Abraham, he went away. Abraham also went back to his place.


Two angels arrived in Sodom at night. Lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.

He said, my Lord, please go to your servant's house to wash your feet, stay overnight, and get up early in the morning before you go. They said, no, we will spend the night in the street.

Lot earnestly invited them, and then they entered his house. Lot prepared a feast for them and baked unleavened cakes, and they ate.

Before they lay down, people from all over Sodom, old and young, surrounded the house.

Calling to Lot, he said, "Where are the men who came to you tonight?". Bring them out and let us do whatever we want.

Lot came out, closed the door and walked into the crowd.

And he said, Brothers, please don't do this evil thing.

I have two virgin daughters. Let me bring them out and do what you want. But since these two people have come under my roof, don't do anything to them.

They said, back off. He said, this man has come to live as a stranger and want to be an official. Now we hurt you more than they do. So they crowded on Lot to break into houses.

10 But the two men reached out and pulled Lot into the house and closed the door.

1 1 and let the people outside, young and old, stunned. They groped around, but couldn't find the door.

They said to Lot, Are you here? Take out your son-in-law, your children and everyone in this city who belongs to you.

13 We're going to destroy this place. For the voice of sin in the city is very loud before the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy this place.

Lot went out and told his sons-in-law who were going to marry his daughter, saying, Get up and leave this place, for the Lord will destroy this city. His sons-in-law thought what he said was a joke.

15 At dawn, the angel urged Lot to say, Get up, take your wife and your two daughters here and go out, lest you perish together because of the sins of this city.

16, but the batch was delayed. Because the Lord had mercy on Lot, they took him by the hand, his wife by the hand and his two daughters by the hand, and brought them out and settled them outside the city.

17 After taking them out, he said, Run for your life. Don't look back or stand on the plain. Run to the mountain, or you will be wiped out.

Lot said to them, no, my Lord.

Your servant has found favor in your eyes. You were very kind to me and saved my life. I can't escape to the mountains, lest this disaster come on me and I die.

You see, this city is small and close, and it is easy to escape. Isn't this small? Please let me escape there, and my life will live.

2 1 The angel said to him, I also listen to you. I won't overthrow the city you mentioned.

You must escape to that city as soon as possible. I can't do anything because you haven't arrived there yet. Therefore, the name of the city was Zoar.

When Lot came to Zoar, the sun had already risen.

At that time, the Lord sent sulfur and fire from the Lord in heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah.

He destroyed those cities and the whole plain, and all the residents in them, even everything that grew on the ground.

Lot's wife looked back from behind and became a pillar of salt.

Abraham got up early in the morning and came to the place where he cut down trees before the Lord.

He looked at Sodom, Gomorrah and the whole plain, and behold, the smoke in that place went up like a kiln.

When God destroyed the cities in the plain, he remembered Abraham, and when he overthrew the city where Lot lived, he sent Lot out of the overthrow.