For example, the legendary "Luo Shu" was carried out by the tortoise from the Luohe River and given to Dayu. Home: doors and windows.
Three days after King Wu ascended the throne, he called a meeting of scholar-officials and asked them, "Is there any good way to ensure the prosperity of the country and the longevity of future generations?" Officials say they don't know. King Wu went to consult Jiang Taigong again and said, "I don't know where I can see the way of governing the country of the Yellow Emperor and the sages of Zhuan Xu in the past?" Jiang Taigong said: "These are all written in the book of Dan. If the king wants to listen, let's fast first. "
King Wu fasted for three days and dressed neatly, and so did the squire. He took Dan Shu to the palace and stood by the screen. King Wu stepped down from the platform and stood in the south. Tai Gong said, "The rule of the former king should not face north."
King Wu went from southwest to east and stood still. Jiang Taigong stood in the west reading Dan Shu. The general idea is: sincere and respectful, not lazy; To pursue justice, not selfish desires; Anything that does not strive for self-improvement is bound to fail, and it will not last long without sincere respect.
Taigong read it and said: These are all ways to ensure the prosperity of the country and the long-term growth of future generations. I have heard that a regime that obtains political power by proper means and maintains political power by benevolence and righteousness can last forever; Obtaining political power by improper means and maintaining political power by benevolence and righteousness can last for ten generations; If you gain political power by improper means and don't talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality after taking power, such a political power will soon collapse.
Hearing these words, King Wu was shocked. After I returned to the palace, I wrote many self-discipline and self-encouragement inscriptions.
In the four corners of the dining table, seats, bronze mirrors, toiletries, shoulder poles, walking sticks, belts, shoes, tableware, doors and windows, swords, bows and arrows, spears and other tangible places, different inscriptions are written to remind yourself not to forget the providence and the teachings of the squire. Retranslation: refers to the tribute of a small country in Fanbang.
Offering sacrifices to pheasants: Offering sacrifices to pheasants is expected to be adopted.
2. Translate a passage of ancient Chinese, selected from the original text of History of Eastern Zhou Dynasty:
He Lv Ai Erji was buried in Hengshan Mountain, where he set up a temple named Aiji Temple. Because I miss her, I don't need Sun Wu. Wu Yuan went in and said, "I heard that soldiers are also weapons." Don't talk empty words. If the killing is unsuccessful, the military order will not work. The king wanted to conquer Chu and the world, and he thought of a good general. Husband will regard Guo Yi as his own ability, not Sun Wuzhi's. Who can wade through Huai Si and fight thousands of miles? Beauty is easy to get, but a good soldier is hard to find. If you abandon a wise general because of Erji, why not love weeds and abandon Jiahe? "He Lv enlightenment.
He Lv was very sad about the death of his two concubines, so he buried them on Mount Hengshan and built an ancestral temple to worship them. Because He Lv misses her beloved princess very much and doesn't want to reuse Su Wu. "I heard that a soldier is a sharp weapon," Wu Shuo said. Do not underestimate yourself. If the criminal law is not used decisively, then the military order is useless. The king wanted to conquer Chu, recruit talents from all over the world and get a good general. To be a general, you must have perseverance as an ability. If you are not a general like Sun Wu, who else can wade in Huai River and fight thousands of miles? Beautiful women are easy to get, but good men are hard to get. If you give up a general because of two beautiful women, what is the difference between this and giving up rice seedlings because you like weeds! "He Lv epiphany.
3. Classical Chinese version of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in high school (I haven't read the classical Chinese version of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in your high school, and I don't know the length of the article.
I will transcribe a part of the classical Chinese of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty for the time being. For your reference. )
The famous Eastern Zhou Dynasty star, the son of Ji Li, a native of King Jichang of Zhou Wen, inherited Li Ji's position of Xibohou and was founded under Qishan. After King Woods owned the world, he was honored as the king of literature.
Zhou Wuwang, Ji Fa-ren, the founding monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the second son of Zhou Wenwang. Son of Zhou Xuanwang, Zhou Youwang, the last monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty.
Dr. Du Bo Xi Zhou announced the king's suspicious words nursery rhymes, but he killed Du Bo. Zhou Xuanwang was shot by Du and Zuo Ru after hunting in the wild.
Shu Qi, Du Bo's son, went to the State of Jin and later became a judge. Therefore, the descendants are scholars, and the food city is in the fan, which is also a fan.
Zuo Ru is a doctor, and he is as important as Du Bo. Zhou Xuanwang ordered Du to be killed, but Zuo Ru did not dissuade her and committed suicide.
Zhao Shu took Wang You, a doctor from the Western Zhou Dynasty, and ignored the Qishan earthquake, ordering him to visit the beautiful scenery everywhere. Zhao Shu accepted the advice, but the king listened to the slanderers of Shiguo's father, removed his uncle's post, and returned to the battlefield one by one.
Uncle and his family went to Jin. -is the ancestor of Zhao, the doctor of the state of Jin, and the descendant of Zhao.
Later, Zhao and Han divided the state of Jin into three and listed it as a vassal. Shi Guo's father Zhou Youwang took Shi Guo's father as Shangqing, Si Tuleideng as a public sacrifice and Yin Qiu as a doctor.
Shi Fu advised you to climb the beacon tower of Lishan Mountain, and ordered the soldiers to watch the fire and play the princes. You laughed and praised, and then the king rewarded his father with his daughter.
Later, he was killed by the pioneer of dogs. Bai Yang's father, Taishi Wang You Rip, retired after becoming a prince.
It is predicted that King Youwang will perish in the Western Zhou Dynasty in less than 10 years. Praise Hunde's son who was imprisoned for admonishing Wang You. In order to save his father, he presented a hymn to Wang You, and proposed to praise the daughter of Shen Hou, a beautiful woman visited by Hongde, as his wife and the daughter of Shen Hou as his son.
It was abolished and later became the first monarch of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Pingwang. Wen Wei, praised by Fu Bo's son, sent a letter to Dr. Lu Zhangzhou, who was not killed in Shen State. He suggested that Shen Hou take advantage of Quan Rong's soldiers to attack the right vanguard of the army when picking Beijing, and slay his son Stuart.
When the dog Rong made a scene in Beijing, he tried to protect the king and was shot to death by disorderly arrows. The Lord of the dog Rong killed the queen who occupied the capital, and the prince dug up Zheng Bo's son. After he acceded to the throne, he supported Zheng Zhuanggong.
After God appointed three princes and ministers: Wei Wu Gonggou, who made trouble in Haojiang, and Wei Wugong led his troops to Rong with Zhou, who made great contributions in the battle and was named Qi Huangong. Qin Xianggong got the support of Wang Ping and sent troops to escort Wang Ping to move to Luoyi. Make him a vassal, divide the land to the west of Qishan, and reorganize the army to destroy the glory.
There is a large area of land, all owned by the state of Qin, which has become a big country. Qiu Ji, the Duke of Wen, killed the king supported by Uncle Guo, ending the coexistence of the two kings for as long as 10 years. According to historical records, he also applied to offer a gift to the Emperor of Heaven to his son.
Wang Ping didn't agree. Gong Hui was angry and deliberately sacrificed to heaven with the gift of the son of heaven.
Ping Wang dared not ask, his style daughter, Zheng Wugong's wife, and Zheng Zhuanggong's younger brother, Zheng Zhuanggong, who is Wujiang * * *, acceded to the throne. His father, Zhou Qingshi, sacrificed for Zheng Zhuanggong's counselors. He suggested getting rid of the uncle Duan of Zhuanggong who was not obeyed, and also suggested getting rid of the son Duan of uncle Duan Gongsun and going to Weiguo to borrow soldiers to raise a case. I heard that Uncle * * * was killed and he fled to Wei.
Begging Wei Huangong to beg Zhuanggong failed, and then he died of old age. Uncle Ying Kao arranged a "Yellow Meeting" for Zhuang Gong 'an, and was named Doctor Jue, sharing the military power with Gongsun Kuo.
My son, Prince Hu, is for Zheng Li. After withdrawing from the engagement of Qi for the second time, he married Chen.
Qi Hou promised Wen Jiang to marry Lv Hou. Childe Zheng Yijian Childe, Zhao Gongdi.
Founded in the first year of Lu Jian, he was killed by Fu Xian in 14 and reigned in 14. Zheng Zhuanggong, a jealous father, Guo Gong, inherited the position of martial arts in the Qing Dynasty.
Zhou Pingwang reused Guo Gong, avoided his father, and intended to promote Guo Gong and share the power of Zheng Zhuanggong. Zheng Zhuanggong hated Zhou Wang, so he promised Zhou Zheng.
Zhou Wang took the Prince Fox into Zheng as a hostage, and Zheng sent the Prince into Zhou as a hostage. The son of Prince Fox died after his death, and his son Lin died for it.
King Huan of Zhou, son of the fox. Bi Gong was appointed to replace Zheng Zhuanggong in power.
Zheng sacrificed enough food to harvest wheat and a week's grain in warm land and made bad friends. Gao Qiu, a famous official of the State of Zheng, has made outstanding achievements.
Later, he used this as an excuse to kill Zheng. The son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son.
Shi Hou went to ask Shijie to make sure that the throne was safe. The design of the stone tablet freed Chen Guo and Chen Huangong from Zhou Xu and Shi Hou.
Chen Huangong Wei Gongzi Zhou Xu killed the monarch Wei Huangong, and Chen Huangong assisted Dr. Zhong Wei in killing Zhou Xu. Chen Huangong's son, childe's son, jumped to Chen Ligong, Chen Huangong's son.
When Bao was seriously ill, his half-brother, Gongzi Tuo, colluded with Cai Guoren and killed Prince Mian. After his death, he became the king of Chen in order to abolish Chen Gong. Gongzi Yue joined two younger brothers to kill Gongzi Tuo, and acceded to the throne as.
After the death of his son Chen Lin Gong Li, his second brother Chen Lin succeeded him as Chen Zhuanggong. Dr. Chen, make friends with paraffin.
Song Yigong's biography is located in his brother Mu Gong, who failed his brother's kindness and spread it to Zi and Yi, that is, made his fierce son Feng Juzheng. Zhuang Gongxuan said that Song Gongjiu lacked tribute, and as a noble scholar, he ordered the king to lead an army to crusade.
Son of Song Feng Zhuang Gong, son of Song Mu Gong. When Zhong, the son who threatened to die suddenly, the prince suddenly ran to defend.
When the son was prominent, the son who sacrificed Zhong Ying suddenly reset. Jia, Minister of Song State.
Prince Hua Du killed Jia and took his wife, which made him very angry. He killed him again, and then returned to Mu Gongzi Feng from Zheng for the sake of Duke Zhuang of Song. Confucius is the seventh grandson of Confucius.
Dr. GongSunZi Zheng. Zheng Lian and Qi Lu attacked Xu, and Gong Sunzi alluded to Ying Shu's carjacking.
Qi is the son of Qian Zhuanggong. Make an alliance with Zheng Zhuanggong at Shimen.
Zeno gave birth to two daughters, the eldest daughter married Wei, namely Jiang and the second daughter Wenjiang. Zheng Zhuanggong's son, the son of Tu Gongzi, acceded to the throne for Gong Li.
All political affairs, big or small, must be sacrificed by feet. Gong, the son of the Prince and the son of the King of Qi, and Wen Jiang, his half-sister.
Guo's father Zhou summoned Cai, Wei and Chen to lead an army to conquer Zhuang Gong. Guo's father led the Right Army, which belonged to Cai Hewei. Duke of Zhou Heijian led the army in Chen. Knot a knot.