The father of Wang Shaoxuan, a native of Liaocheng, Bozhou, was killed by rebel soldiers in the west of the county in the late Sui Dynasty. Shaoxuan was born posthumously. He was more than ten years old and asked where his father was. His mother told him that she was crying and wanted to be buried. At that time, the white bones covered the field, and there was no way to distinguish them. Or he said: "If you touch your father's bones with your son's blood, it will seep in." Shaoxuan stabbed his body to test it. After ten days, his father's body was found and buried. All diseases and sores in the body will heal over time. In Zhenguan, Benzhou heard the recommendation and worshiped the prince to join the army.
Zhao Hongzhi is from Xin'an, Luozhou. Su Sun, the chariot general of the Later Wei Dynasty. His father Xuangui was the governor of Shaanxi Province in the Sui Dynasty. Hongzhi lost his mother early and served his father as a filial piety. Learn through "Three Rites", "Historical Records" and "Hanshu". In the great cause of Sui Dynasty, he worked for Sili. In the early days of Wude, Dali Qinglang Chuzhi responded to the imperial edict and promoted him to Zhan Shifu. Also revised "History of the Six Dynasties" in advance.
At the beginning, he studied "Yi Wen Lei Ju" with his secretary Cheng Linghu Defen, Qi Wang Literary Yuan Lang and more than ten people, and transferred to Prince Sheren. In Zhenguan, he moved to Huangmen as a minister and also as a bachelor of Hongwen Hall. With Ji Chu as the governor of Laizhou. Hongzhi served his brother Hong'an as he did his father, and all his salary was given to his brother. When my brother died, I mourned and ruined the ceremony. The widowed sister-in-law is very cautious, and she treats her orphaned nephew with kindness. Moved to the right concubine of the crown prince. When the palace is abolished, his name will be removed. Xunqi was appointed as the governor of Guangzhou.
At the beginning of Yonghui, he transferred to Chen Wangshi. Emperor Gaozong ordered Hongzhi to lecture on "The Classic of Filial Piety" in the Baifu Hall. He summoned the third rank of the Zhongshu sect, as well as the bachelors of Hongwenguan and the Confucian scholars of Taixue, to pre-lect the banquet. Hongzhi plays the role of Chang Weiyan, and prepares Chen Wuxiao. Bachelors and other difficult questions come one after another, and great wisdom responds like a ring. Emperor Gaozong Yiran said: "I have been reading the tomb records for a long time, and as for the "Book of Filial Piety", I have read it in a biased way. However, filial piety is a virtue, and its benefits are profound. Therefore, it is said that "moral education is imposed on the people and punishments are imposed on the world. This is the way to understand filial piety." It's great." Gu said to Hongzhi: "It is better to briefly explain the key points of this sutra and not to catch them." Hongzhi said: "In the past, the emperor had seven dissatisfied ministers. Zhuan Yu, I would like to present this message. "The emperor was very pleased and gave him two hundred pieces of colorful silk and a famous horse. Xunqian Guozi offered wine and was still a bachelor of Chongxian Hall. He died in four years at the age of eighty-two, and his posthumous title was Xuan. There are twenty volumes of collected works.
Chen Jiyuan was born in Kaiyang, Longzhou. On behalf of the chieftain of Lingbiao. His father, Longshu, was the governor of Qinzhou. Ji Yuan had a filial piety as a child, but his father was ill and did not eat all day long. In Yonghui, I lost my father, vomited several liters of blood, slept in a thatched cottage, and walked with sadness. There are more than thirty people including property, land, house and servants, and they are given to brothers. At that time, the official arrived at General Zuo Bao Tao Wei.
Yuan Rang was a martial artist from Yongzhou. Weak Guan Ming Jing was promoted to the first place. Because of his mother's illness, he did not seek official positions. He practiced medicine and food, served as a servant, and stayed in his hometown for more than ten years. When his mother died, she lived in a hut beside the tomb, with unkempt hair and only food and water.
In Xianhengzhong, he respected the supervising country and gave orders to show his clan. In the first year of Yongchun, the inspection envoy reported that Xiao Di was different and promoted Prince Younei to lead the governor Shi. Later, he returned to his hometown when he was old. When the villagers had disputes and lawsuits, they all gave in to the decision without going to the prefecture or county. In the holy calendar, Zhongzong lived in the Spring Palace and summoned the prince Si Yilang to pay homage. When he came to see him, Zetian said: "Since you can be filial to your family, you must be loyal to the country. Now that I am giving you this position, you must know my intention. It is better to assist my son with filial piety." Looking for death.
Pei Jingyi was a Wenxi person from Jiangzhou. His great-grandfather Zitong was a great official in Emperor Taizhong of the Sui Dynasty. When my mother died, she stayed in the hut next to the tomb, weeping uncontrollably, and her eyesight became blind. There are white birds nesting in grave trees. The eight brothers Zitong were famous as friends and brothers, and their sect was represented by imperial edicts and imperial edicts. The villagers still call them "Pei family of Yimen".
Jing Yi Shao is smart and understands his genus of literature at the age of seven. He has a dignified nature and is respected by the clan, so he is named "Ganluding". In the fourteenth year of the year, Tang Lin, the imperial censor, served as the inspector of Hebei Province. During the Zhou Dynasty, Jingyi's father Zhi was the Neihuang Order. He was sued by his tribe and Jingyi Yilin discussed his grievances. Facing great surprises, he was ordered to write poems and poems. The affairs of Zhi Zhou were clarified, and I specially recommended and respected the Yi people to supplement the official signature of the Prince of Chen. Zhizhou died violently in the official position. When he was in Chang'an when he was respecting the Yi, he suddenly burst into tears and refused to eat. He said to his relatives: "Every time you have pain, I feel uneasy. My heart aches today, and my limbs are all disabled. Things are unpredictable, so I have no regrets." ?" So I asked you to return it urgently and said twice to return. When I heard that my father was mourning, I was too embarrassed to pay tribute. The mother-in-law returns to her filial piety.
At the beginning of the Qianfeng reign, Lei was transferred to the censorship department. At that time, my mother was ill, and there was a doctor named Xu Renze. She was too ill to ride a horse, so I respected the Yi people and carried them on their shoulders to wait for my mother. When his mother died, he received a special imperial edict to present him with silk, and he still made a spiritual urn. Serve Qian, pay homage to the author, and also study the history of the country. In Yifengzhong, he was born in Zhongshushe, the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, and Zuo Shuzi. Then Tian came to the dynasty and was trapped by cruel officials. He was sent to Lingnan to look for his soldiers.
Pei Shouzhen was from Jishan, Jiangzhou. The sixth generation grandson of Shuye, the governor of Jizhou in the Later Wei Dynasty. Father Shen was the chief minister of Huainan County in Daye Zhong. Yang Lin and Tian Zan, who belonged to the county, started a rebellion in the county and killed all the officials. Yishen was known for his benevolent government and warned him not to cause any harm. He still ordered people to escort Shen and his wife back home. In Zhenguan, the official came to Fu Ling.
Keep true to the truth and be an orphan at an early age, and serve your mother with utmost filial piety. When my mother died, she was so sad that her bones were broken and her bones were broken, and the mourning was almost overwhelming. The widowed sister and brother are very cautious when it comes to things, and they follow the etiquette of the boudoir, which is recommended by scholars and friends. He was promoted to Jinshi at the beginning, and passed the eight imperial examinations, and was promoted to the title of Qian Lieutenant. There was a great famine in Guanzhong at the beginning of Yongchun. He stayed true and used his salary and salary to provide for his sister and nephews. His body and wife were rough and rough, and he didn't look tired at first. Looking for Dr. Taichang.
He was especially good at learning etiquette, and he was considered competent at that time. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, Songshan was enfeoffed and he ordered the officials to discuss the matter of shooting animals. Shouzhen memorial said:
According to "Zhou Rites" and "Guoyu", when people worship heaven and earth in the suburbs, the emperor shoots his animals himself. Wuwei of the Han Dynasty granted the title of "Taishan Mountain" and ordered the Confucian servants to shoot animals. As for the remaining sacrifices, there is no mention of shooting animals. However, although it is an ancient ritual to pound and shoot animals personally, it has been abolished for a long time. According to the Feng Chan Sacrificial Ceremony, it is said: At the fifteenth moment before the death of the emperor, the slaughterer will cut the animal with a luan knife, and the quality will be clear and the act will be carried out. When Bi Luan arrived, all the animals had been slaughtered, and the emperor only laid jade and drank wine as offerings. If you shoot the animal the day before the sacrifice, you will be injured early; if you shoot the animal on the day of the sacrifice, you will be injured later.
If we follow the story of Han Wu, it would not be feasible if it were not a ritual of shooting in person.
There are also two dances, "Music for Breaking the Formation through Divine Skills" and "Music for Celebrating Good Achievements". Each time they are played, they are all in opposition. Shouzhen further discussed:
The two dances of stealing are the cause of prosperity, singing praises to you, praising the majesty of the nine merits, and bringing joy to all nations. Yijun's "Shao" and "Xia" are used as guest sacrifices. Both ancestors have great virtues and their descendants enjoy it. After reading the biography in detail, there is no such thing as the emperor's courtesy. When a major event comes to an end, all the Chinese and barbarians gather together, the nine robes are lifted up and bowed in peace, and hundreds of barbarians dance with their hearts in celebration. Zhen Tao Hua Yu, don't steal the magic power, don't show respect for music and dance. The ministers and others discussed it in detail, and when the second dance was played, the emperor disagreed and stood up.
Always follow the truth. Emperor Gaozong didn't hesitate, but things didn't work out. After the death of Emperor Gaozong, there were no major murderous rituals. Shouzhen discussed the old affairs with his contemporaries Wei Shuxia, Fu Baosu and others and created it. At that time, it was called Deli Zhong.
Shouzhen Tianzhong was appointed as the Prime Minister of the Sifu. Then Tian specially ordered to investigate the imperial edicts and jails, and ensured peace and pardon. Dozens of families were exempted from the punishment. Because this was not in line with the purpose, he was appointed as the Secretary of Bianzhou, and later became the governor of Bianzhou. He is very popular among officials because he does not do anything in government and does not use threats and punishments. Russia was transferred to the governor of Ningzhou, and thousands of people from Chengzhou were sent out of the country. Chang'an suffered a stroke.
The son is still a child, and he is known as a filial piety to his stepmother. Citing the Ming Dynasty scriptures, he accumulated a lot of support for Huxian County Lieutenant. At that time, Li Chaoyin and Cheng Xingchen were both famous for their grammar, while Ziyu was only famous for his poetry.
Or ask Chen Chongye, the governor of Yong, Ziyu and Chao Yin to talk about the pros and cons. Chongye said: "Like spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, they cannot be abolished." Jinglongzhong, who is the supervisor of Zuotai, history. At that time, there were thousands of families in Jing and Qi Prefectures who were descendants of the Sui Dynasty. Zhao Luwen, the Minister of Agriculture, reported that none of them were servants of the official households, but they still gave them mouths as gifts to the nobles. Ziyu thought that an official household was indebted to him, and he was a peasant household at first, and also a descendant. He could not suppress his despicable behavior and impeach him. At that time, Lu Wen attached himself to Zong Chuke and others, and argued with his son Yu Ting. Ziyu's poems are unyielding in color, while Lu Wen and others' poems are subdued, which is based on Ziyu's performance.
At the beginning of Kaiyuan, he moved to Jizhou to be the governor. The government is generous and beneficial, and people and officials call it that. He also served as the chief historian of Prince Qi's palace and became the doctor of Yinqing Guanglu. He died in fourteen years, and his posthumous title was Xiao. Zi Yu lived in an official position, was a thrifty man, and was friendly to his brothers.
The six brothers all have aspirations. The second brother Juqing, Weiweiqing and Yaoqing have other legends.
Li Rizhi was from Xingyang, Zhengzhou. Promote Jinshi. In the heavenly grant, he was moved to the post of Xingcheng. When the law is severe and urgent, it becomes clear day by day that it is only tolerant and peaceful, and there is no injustice. In order to save a prisoner from death, Shaoqing Hu Yuanli asked him to kill him, and went back and forth with Rizhi until he counted four. Yuan Li was angry and said: "If Yuan Li is not separated from Xingcao, this prisoner will never have a physiological state." He replied: "If you know that if you don't leave Xingcao, this prisoner will never die." Because the two conditions are listed above, the result will be straight.
At the beginning of Shenlong, it was for the sake of giving. The governor of Japan is extremely filial to his mother. At that time, my mother was old, and she was sick. She knew what was urgent, and she waited on her for a few days, and her hair on the temples turned white. Xunjia Chaosan doctor. His mother died before she was given the title of Fuyi. She was about to be buried, and the officials came to tell her about her. She found out that she had died immediately on the road. After a long time, she was Su. Everyone on the left and right is mourning, and no one can look up. The inspection envoy, Sima Lu Jingqian of Weizhou, heard about his filial piety and brotherhood, and asked for his report. He learned that he would not repay his resignation. After serving Qian, he moved to Huangmen as a minister.