1. 1 Confucius said, "It's not as good as learning." ? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? People don't know, but they don't care Aren't you a gentleman? "
1? A Confucius said, "He is also filial, but few people like to make mistakes.": It's not easy to make mistakes, but it's not easy to make mistakes. Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of a person? "
1? Confucius said: clever words make color, fresh and kind. "
1? Ceng Zi said, "I help myself three times a day. Is it cheating for others? Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "
1? Confucius said: "In a country with a thousand times as many things, we should be frugal and love others, so that people can make use of their time."
1? Confucius said, "Disciples are filial, and younger brothers are younger. He is sincere and trustworthy, and loves everyone. But if he is kind and has spare capacity, he will study literature. "
1? 7 Xia Zi said, "Sages change color; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
1? 8 Confucius said: "A gentleman is not arrogant if he is not heavy; Learning is not solid. Lord is faithful. People without friends are not as good as themselves; Don't change it after it. "
1? 9. Zeng Zikai said: "Be cautious and pursue the distance, and people's morality will be thick."
1? 10 Qin Zi asked Zigong: As for the country, the Lord must smell its politics, make peace with it, and control it? Zi Gong said: "The master is gentle, kind, respectful, thrifty and tolerant. What does the host want and what do others want? "
1? 1 1 Confucius said: "The father is there, watch his will; Father didn't, observe his actions; It is filial piety not to change the way of the father for three years. "
1? 12 A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most important thing in courtesy. Wang Zhidao comes first, and Sri Lanka is beautiful. Small and big, there are problems. It is not feasible to know peace without courtesy. "
1? 13 A Confucius said: "The letter is close to the righteousness, and the words can be answered; Ceremony is close to ceremony, far from shame; Because you don't lose your loved ones, you can still live in it. "
1? 14 Confucius said: "A gentleman does not have enough to eat and is restless. If he is sensitive and cautious about what he says, he will have a proper way and be honest. It can be said that he is eager to learn. "
1? 15 zi gong said, "poor but not flattering, rich but not arrogant?" Confucius said, "Yes. If you are not poor, you will be happy, and those who are rich and courteous will also be. " Zi Gong said, "Poetry" says, "If you are as eager as a measure! If you cut it like a mill, what is it? Confucius said, "Give it! I can only say "poetry" and tell people who used to know it. "
1? 16 Confucius said: "Don't suffer from the unknown, suffer from the unknown."