The main family is rich, and Daikin rolls in the door. When an auspicious day comes, everything will be smooth and peaceful. Local funerals are usually held in the morning, and the specific time is speculated by Mr. Yin Yang. "Awakening" is what people often call "mourning". That is, the process of carrying the coffin from home to the cemetery Before waking up, the bagpiper played in the village for a while. Neighbors heard loud suona, woke up from their dreams and knew they were going to wake up.
Some people went to the funeral home to help, and some people donated Shang Min and went directly to the cemetery and other "whole tombs". The dutiful son and his relatives and neighbors are here. After burning paper and kowtowing in front of the coffin, they carried it to two benches outside the gate and tied it on both sides as bargaining chips. The local "funeral" generally does not need a car, and four or eight people carry it. At the same time, some people put grain and grass ((wheat straw), table wax and paper work together. Before the coffin, take it to the cemetery for incineration.
Everything is ready, and the dutiful son kneels down and burns paper to "wake up". After the coffin was lifted, someone knocked down the two benches of the coffin with their feet. The eldest son broke the "paper basin" on the ground in front of the coffin head and suddenly cried loudly. Traditionally, whoever throws away the "paper basin" is the heir of course and has the right to inherit. When the coffin started, the eldest son leaned on the "funeral stick" in one hand and pulled the fiber cloth in the other, holding the "spirit card" and bent down to cry and ran to the cemetery.