There were not so many books and words at that time, but there are still many ambiguities at present. Besides, history has passed for two thousand years, and every emperor has to do two things after taking office: one is brainwashing, and the other is repairing the tomb. When Qianlong asked Ji Xiaolan to compile Siku Quanshu, it seemed that many unique works were destroyed. These books have been handed down to this day, and it is hard to say whether they are true or false.
It is said that at least the existing version of Shangshu is both true and false.
It is generally believed that the sixteen chapters in Shangshu from Zhoushu to Lv are the true historical materials of the Western Zhou Dynasty, while the life, Fei's Oath and Qin's Oath are the historical materials of the Spring and Autumn Period, while the earlier Yao Dian, Hao Tao Mo and Yu Gong are the ancient historical materials of the Warring States Period. Generally speaking, this version of the ancient prose Shangshu was forged by Mei Ruo in Jin Dynasty, but it is also controversial.