Later, after touring the south of Tang Dynasty and enjoying the beautiful scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou, he went up the river and enjoyed the scenery of Jiangnan water town. When Yu Zhou traveled to Jiayu, he found it a beautiful place where rivers and lakes are connected. The accompanying ministers told Tang an auspicious story of "keeping your mouth shut" to protect Huanglong. After listening to it, Tang was in a particularly cool mood and unconsciously threw out a poem: "The shore of Dongting is so beautiful!" Poetry, wine, and ordered the hostess. He also said, "There is more water and fish here, so I think the fresh fish here must have a different flavor." As soon as the voice fell, he saw a silvery white fish jump in front of Tang. He told the courtiers to pick it up and read it again and again, and he couldn't put it down. Happy to say: "Fengtian aircraft carrier, you must come." The courtiers tried their best to flatter: "The emperor can only offer his own fish if he has good luck. This is a sign of good luck." Later, the chef applied housekeeping cooking skills and soon cooked the fish and presented it to the emperor for tasting. Tang took two bites and found the meat tender, delicious and refreshing. Q: "What's the name of this fish?" The courtiers deliberately replied, "I don't know." Asked the chef, the chef also said, "I have never seen such a good fish since I cooked." After standing for a long time, the left and right attache couldn't answer the name of the fish. Fortunately, Emperor Huang Ming of the Tang Dynasty was an enlightened and knowledgeable emperor. He said, "All fish must be famous. Since you are not well-known and there is no record in the book, I will give you a name. " Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty associated with the auspicious story of "controlling the mouth" in ancient times, overlooking the lovely scenery of fish leaping and swaying and silver scales shining on the river, and recalled the poem "There are beautiful fish in the south" in the Book of Songs. So, he opened his mouth, spit out jade words, and blurted out: "If you are beautiful, you are beautiful. Just call Jiayu. " Since then, the word "Jiayu" has spread, and later a county was established, hence the name Jiayu County.