My brother-in-law's grandfather, named Song Dao, was born in this county. One day, when he was ill in bed, he saw a small official with a post and led a horse with white hair on his forehead to find him and said to him, "Please take the exam." Song Gongdao: "The examiner hasn't come yet, so why take the exam right away?" The officials who came didn't say much, but urged Song Gong to hit the road. Song Gong had no choice but to ride a horse with him in spite of illness.
This is a strange trip. I came to a castle, which seems to be the capital of a king. In an instant, he followed the man into the palace, only to see that the palace in the palace was magnificent. There are more than a dozen officials sitting in the front hall, and I don't know who they are. Only Guan Di Shen knows. There are two tables and two piers under the eaves of the temple. There is already a scholar sitting there, and Song Gong and this man are sitting side by side. There are pens and paper on the table.
After a while, I sent out the test questions. At first glance, there are eight words on it: "One person, two people, intentionally or unintentionally." After a while, their article was finished and submitted to the temple. There is such a sentence in the official document of the Song Dynasty: "If you are kind, don't reward it; Unintentional evil, although evil is not punished. " After reading it, the man of God was widely praised and praised. He called Song Hong to the temple. He ordered: "Henan lacks a city god, and you are very competent." Hearing this, Song Gong suddenly realized. He immediately kowtowed to the ground and cried, "The Great God loves me wrongly and wants me to be a city god. I dare not refuse. It's just that my family has an old mother who is over 70 years old and has no one to support her. I asked the great god to allow me to wait on my mother after her death and before taking office. " There is a man who looks like an emperor sitting in front of him. Let Song Gongmu have a look at his life letter. A bearded official took the book and read it again, telling him, "There are still nine years to live." The immortals hesitated for a moment and couldn't come up with an idea. Guandi said, "Let's ask Zhang Sheng to act as an agent for nine years first!" He said to Song Gong, "I should have let you take office immediately, thinking that you have filial piety, so I will give you nine annual leave and then call you." Then Guandi encouraged the scholar a few words, and the two candidates kowtowed in the temple.
The scholar took Song Gong by the hand and sent him to the suburbs. He introduced himself as a native of Changshan County, surnamed Zhang, and presented Song Gong with a farewell poem. I have forgotten the original text, except the sentence: "There are flowers and wine in spring, and there are no candles and lights at night." Song Gong mounted his horse and left.
Song Gong came home, as if waking up from a dream. At that time, he had been dead for three days. His mother heard groans in the coffin, opened the coffin and saw him awake, so she helped him out and stayed for a long time before speaking. Later, I came to Changshan county to inquire, and sure enough, a scholar named Zhang died on this day.
Nine years later, Song Gong's mother died. Duke Song took care of the funeral, took a bath, put on new clothes, entered the house and died.
His father-in-law lives in the west gate of the city. One day, I suddenly saw Duke Song riding a big horse with a red tassel and bringing many chariots and horses to his house to bid farewell. The whole family was surprised and didn't know that he had become a god. I hurried to Song Gong's house to ask, only to know that Song Gong was dead.
Song publicly owned a biography of himself, but unfortunately it was not preserved in the war. The record here is just a rough idea.