Chen Deng's disorderly arrows shot down, and Che Zhou walked around the city. Yun Chang came, took a knife in his hand, cut it under the horse, cut off his head and brought it back. Twenty-seventh? Beard rode thousands of miles alone? Han Shouhou, five customs and six generals.
Guan agreed to retreat, rode with a knife, surrendered without fighting, and went straight for Kong Xiu. Raise your gun to meet. When two horses meet, they just meet, the steel knife rises, and Kong Xiu's body lies under the horse. Meng Tan came out and took two knives from Guan Yu. After the meeting, return the car and kiss up to meet. Meng Tan fought three battles, returned to his horse and left. Guan Gong came here. Meng Tan only wants to seduce Guan Gong, but he doesn't want to close him soon. He has caught up with it and cut it in half with only one knife. When Guan Yu came back from riding, Han Fu flashed at the door and tried his best to shoot an arrow, which hit Guan Yu's left arm. When the arrow is pulled out of the male mouth, the blood can't stop. Flying horses rushed to the Han government and scattered all the troops. Han Fu rushed into the river, and Guan Yu took the lead. Kill all the troops and protect the car.
What exactly is the "dragon crescent moon blade" used by Guan Yu in the official history? I see
Cold history
Baijiahao 05-0 107:50
Wen/Xiao Leng
During the Three Kingdoms period, there were many military commanders, such as Zhang Fei, Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Xia Houdun, Ma Chao, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu. These military commanders all have high martial arts and distinctive personalities, but many people like Guan Yu, one of the five generals, not only because of his high martial arts, but also because of Guan Yu's loyalty to Liu Bei.
Zhao Yun Steels
When Guan Yu is mentioned, many people will think of the image of him with a horizontal knife and a wonderful hand pressing on his temple, or the image of him holding Spring and Autumn Annals or Qinglong Crescent Moon Knife. There are many descriptions in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms about Guan Yu holding a dragon crescent moon blade to kill the enemy, such as "Cloud dancing broadsword, Ma Feiying." When Cheng saw it, he was taken aback and caught off guard. He was picked up by Yun Changdao and waved into two sections. ""When Yun Chang saw it, he beat his horse and danced eighty-two Jin of dragon crescent moon blade to attack Lu Bu. Three horses are fighting with each other. In thirty battles, Lu Bu cannot be defeated. "
Influenced by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, many people think that Guan Yu used a dragon crescent moon blade. So, what kind of knife is Qinglong Crescent Moon Knife? Let's take a look at the description of the dragon crescent moon blade in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "The dragon crescent moon blade made by Yunchang, also known as the cold-eyed saw, weighs 82 Jin."
According to textual research, the crescent knife first appeared in the Song Dynasty. There is a record of crescent blade in the book Wu Yao in Song Dynasty, and there are drawings of this blade. But Guan Yu was a figure in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, so Guan Yu could not use the crescent knife as a weapon in the official history. So, what weapon did Guan Yu use in the official history?
Guan Yu stills
As we all know, a person's words, deeds and articles will always be influenced by his social environment. Guan Yu, who lived in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, used long weapons like many direct warriors. After all, he is one inch longer and one inch stronger. In the history of the Three Kingdoms, we can also see that the weapons used by military commanders such as Ma Chao, Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and Zhang Fei are spears and halberds.
In addition, in the reflection annotated by Pei Songzhi, we can see Guan Yu's description of using a knife: "Tomorrow's meeting, please go beyond it, the feather flies and sticks to the knife straight ..."
In addition, in the book "Records of Ancient and Modern Knives and Shadows" written by the Southern Dynasties, there is such a record: "Guan Yu, in the hands of his former master, did not hesitate to use Dushan Iron as two knives, saying that ten thousand people were defeated, and his feathers cherished the knife and threw it into the water." It also proves that Guan Yu used a knife. But what knife Guan Yu used, there is no more detailed record.
Guan Yu stills
To sum up, Guan Yu used a knife. Guan Yu, as a direct soldier, must use a long knife instead of a short knife, because the killing surface of the short knife is too small, which is not conducive to large-scale horse fighting. In addition, the defensive surface of the short knife is too narrow. If the infantry attacks Guan Yu, Guan Yu who uses a short knife will definitely be killed or captured.
So Guan Yu wants to use a long knife. "China Ancient Weapons" wrote: "After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the use of steel long-handled knives increased, and Guan Yu, Pound and Huang Zhong were long-handled knives."
So, what is Guan Yu's long-handled knife? This kind of knife "has straight blade, thin ridge and long handle." It is straight and has a blade, which is convenient for a military commander to assassinate the enemy immediately. The blade is thin and thick, and the handle is long, which is convenient for a military commander to cut down the enemy.
History of the three kingdoms, romance of the three kingdoms, introduction to martial arts classics, ancient and modern sword records.