There is an urgent need for the translation of a series of ancient Chinese texts, such as the general preface to the general examination of documents, which is rewarding!

No, no, I remember, it should be "the blessing of Qi people", which is a big dream of men in the Spring and Autumn Period.

From "Mencius": "Qi people have wives and concubines, and those who have official positions will be jealous of wine and meat if their lovers go out. If his wife wants to eat and drink, she will have money. His wife said to his concubine:' Lovers come out, eat wine and meat and then turn back; Invite them and those who eat and drink, they will be rich, and those who don't appear will be placed in my lover's place. "At the beginning of the flea, all the good people did were given, and there was no one in the country to talk to each other. Dongguo stroke, worshippers begging for rest; Insufficient, but also take care of him-this is the way to meet. When his wife came back, she told her concubine, "A lover is the hope of his life. If this is the case now. Instead of being jealous of his lover, he cried in the atrium, but his lover didn't know it. He gave alms from the outside and was proud of his wife and concubine. From a gentleman's point of view, the reason why people seek wealth and power is because wives and concubines are shameless and don't cry. "