Xiao Xingren is in charge of the etiquette of the guests of the country and waits for the envoys from all directions. The princes are ordered to pay tribute in the spring and to offer their merits in the autumn. The princes and relatives will accept the tribute and each will pay tribute according to his country's nationality. When all the princes become kings, they will work against Ji, Jiaolao, Guan, and general coins for inheritance. All envoys from all over the world will be rejected by big guests, while small guests will receive their coins and listen to their words. The messengers are suitable for the four directions and coordinate the nine etiquettes for guests: court, court, clan, meeting, meeting, and together are the courtesy of the king; keeping, overlooking, provincial, hiring, and asking are also the courtesy of the minister. The six festivals of the world are: the mountain country uses the tiger festival, the earth country uses the human festival, and the Ze country uses the dragon festival, all of which are made of gold; the road uses the flag festival, the gate uses the talisman festival, and the gate gate uses the pipe festival, all of which are made of bamboo. Chengliu Rui: the king uses Qi Gui, the public uses Huan Gui, the Hou uses Xin Gui, the uncle uses Gong Gui, the son uses Gu Bi, and the male uses Pu Bi. The six coins are combined: Gui with horse, Zhang with skin, Bi with silk, Cong with brocade, Amber with embroidery, Huang with fur. These six things are for the good of the princes. If the emperor is in mourning, he will be ordered to make up for it. If the country is in danger and famine, then the Zhou Dynasty will be appointed to take charge of it. If the national teacher is in service, he will be ordered to serve. If there is good fortune in the country, let it be celebrated. If there is a disaster in the country, mourn it. For these five things, the management of accidents and the interests of all peoples are one book; the etiquette, customs, political affairs, teachings, punishments, and prohibitions; the disobedience and obedience are one book; the disobedience, violence, and disobedience are one book; and the mourning is a book. Desolation, poverty and desolation are one book; happiness, intimacy and peace are one book. Each country distinguishes these five things, so as to give orders to the king and to make known the world.
The master of ceremonies is in charge of the nine rituals of guests and ministers, as well as the etiquette, speech, and courtesy. When the princes are about to be united, they will order the altar to be made into three parts, and a gate next to the palace. They will order the king to perform the rituals. When the princes are seen in Nanxiang, the local Yi Yi has a common surname, Shi Yi has a different surname, and Tian Yi has the same surname. And when they reject them, they should each use their own etiquette: the public is in the upper class, the prince is in the middle class, and the son is in the lower class. The same goes for his coins. The same goes for his etiquette. Wang Yan, then the princes are hairy. All the princes and prime ministers are guests, and the Lord's country has five treasures and three questions, all three words of worship and acceptance. Car reverse, bow and humiliate, bow three times, say goodbye three times, worship and accept, send car off, return three times, bow again. The same goes for Zhiguan. The greeting is like a gift to Ji, and the coins are handed over, three words are spoken, the car turns back and bows, the guest car enters, the guest bows, three bows, three yields, and one sign at each door. When arriving at the temple, the only way to go is to come in, the guests bow to each other three times, and then ascend, and then bow and give coins, and the guests bow and give coins, and everything is as before. The same is true for the guests, as soon as they leave, they are sent off by car, invited three times, entered three times, bowed again, returned three times and said farewell. Give a good meal and return the favor. Eat, give gifts. Sending them off in the suburbs is like giving money to someone else. The guests pay homage, pay homage to the guests, pay homage to the guests for food, and the guests succeed the master, all as the courtesy of the host country. The princes, uncles, sons, and men all treat each other as guests, and they treat each other with courtesy, just like the courtesy of all princes. When the princes and their ministers are guests of the country, they will pay homage and accept them with three words. When the doctor is working in the suburbs, he says three words: humiliation, three concessions, ascends to obey orders, bows down, ascends to accept, and greets the envoys as before. After retreating, I paid my respects and sent him off to the pavilion as before. And the general coins, travel and exchange three words, bow to Ni, leave the guest, bow three times, and stop one phase at each door. When it comes to the temple, only the king enters and gives way three times, the guests come in and pay homage, the guests give coins three times, and then go out, everything is as before. When it comes to etiquette, personal appearances, and private offerings, they all bow to the head of the inspection department again, and the king bows in reply. When he goes out to the middle gate, he asks the king, and the guest bows to the right one again. When you ask the doctor, the guest responds. The king treats the guest, and the guest pays homage to the chief minister again. Giving a meal is like a gift of labor. To enjoy food and return gold is like giving money to someone else. The king's guest is a guest, the guest is invited, the intermediary is ordered, and then sent away, the guest follows, worshiping and humiliating the court. Tomorrow, the guests will pay homage to the guests and proceed accordingly, just as they have accumulated. All princes, uncles, sons, and male ministers should treat each other with courtesy as guests, and their manners should be the same. All guests from all over the world should be treated with etiquette, farewell, farewell, and gifts of second class, according to their rank. All guests should be given the same gift. All feudal lords who have friendship with each other will give coins to each of them when they refer to their state, and use their coins as gifts. The etiquette of all passers-by is neither early nor late, do not face the main person, and do not turn away from guests.
Those who are in charge of the country and are responsible for the sudden and small things that are evil and rude. All their envoys must use banners. Although the road is difficult, they must reach it from time to time. When they live in their country, they will be in charge of people's work and humiliation, and the envoys will intervene in it.
Ringing people's palms to send guests from all over the country, and reaching all directions with roads. If you have a house, you will be taught the library, and you will be ordered to gather watchmen. If you have a utensil, you will be ordered to surround it. There are not many gates, and you will be sent to the frontier.
Xiang Xu is in charge of the envoys of the countries of Man, Yi, Min, Raccoon, Rong, and Di. If you welcome a guest at the right time, follow his etiquette and convey the guest's message through his words. Treat him with courtesy, money, silk, and speech when he comes in and out, and when he sends out any objections. When there is a great mourning in any country, the ministers are ordered to observe the etiquette of the guests and correct their positions. All military and military personnel will be treated as guests by the state's guests. When doing things, the king's first priority is to serve the princes, the second is to the ministers, the third is to the officials, the third is to the nobles, and the lowest is to the common people.
Being in charge of guests is responsible for the number of guests’ gifts, food and drinks, and their politics. When the king gathers with the princes to enjoy the ceremony, he will have ten or two prisons, the common people will have hundreds of supplies, and the princes will have ten more gifts. When the king patrols the Yin Kingdom, the king will serve a calf as a meal and order all the officials and animals to follow him. The three princes are the courtesy of the prince, the minister is the courtesy of the prince, the nobleman is the courtesy of the son, the scholar is the courtesy of the princes, and the concubine is the courtesy of the great official.
The courtesy of all the princes: the Lord's five accumulations, all are cooked and cooked, and the three questions are all repaired. The group of guides and travellers, all of whom are responsible for the history, have prisons; five prisons for cooking, forty food, ten steamed buns, forty beans, forty hammers, and two pots. Forty, there are two out of ten tripods and six out of thirty sacrifices, all of which are laid out; there are nine latches for the glutinous rice and glutinous rice, and the death latrine is like the old one for eating, and there are four latches for the lead; there are twenty urns of rice, twenty urns of rice, and carts. All are old, the carts of rice are in prison, the cages are ten carts, and the carts are equipped with five grains, and the carts and grain are in the prison, the carts are in ten carts, and the carts are three grains. In the prison, and when you return, you will have three meals, three meals, and three swallows. If you don't have enough to drink, you will be given coins. All the ministers and ministers in the history of the prison have food and drinks, and the number of the prison rituals is based on their rank. Only Shangjie has it. The poultry is presented; the lady gives a gift, eight pots, eight beans, eight bamboo baskets, and a meal in a large prison. In the dining room, Uncle Hou has four accumulations, all of which are cooked. If you ask again, they are all repaired. In the four prisons of "Evening Food", there are two out of thirty meals, eight out of ten grains, two out of thirty beans, eight out of twenty gourds, and thirty out of three pots. 2. There are two out of ten tripods and Gui, and seven out of twenty fishes, all of which are laid out; there are seven prisons for the glutinous rice and glutinous rice, and their death bars are like those of a cylindrical hammer; there are three prisons for holding a hundred grains of rice, and a hundred jars of fermented grains, all of which are laid out; thirty carts of rice, There are forty carts of grain, the amount of cud is as much as the amount of grain, and it is all old; seventy pairs of poultry are used every day, and Yin eats in a large prison, three meals, then eats, and then swallows. All the ministers and ministers had a feast for themselves, and they were given as gifts by their noble rank. Only the superior minister had a poultry offering. The lady gave a gift of eight pots, eight beans, and eight bamboo baskets. , eating cattle. There are three accumulations of sons and daughters, all of which are food pulls. One question is to repair them. There are three food chains, four of twenty food, six grains, four of twenty beans, eight of ten cymbals, four of twenty pots, and a tripod. Twelve out of ten, eight out of ten sacrifices, all are laid out; there are five prisons for food and meat, and the dead cells are like those for food; two prisons for pulling, eighty 筥 of rice, and eighty jars of rice, all are laid; twenty carts of rice, three grains Ten carts, with as much grain as the grain, are all riding, and fifty pairs of birds are used every day, one feast, one meal, and one swallow. All the people in the industry have food and snacks, and they are given gifts by their nobles. Only the superiors have it. The poultry is presented; the lady presents the gift, six pots, six beans, and six bamboo baskets, and the meal is given; I see you in person and all have a special meal of cattle. Whenever the ministers or ministers of the princes are guests of the state, they should be treated with courtesy. When greeting guests, it is the ritual to kill when the country is new, it is the ritual to kill in the wilderness, it is the ritual to mourn, it is the ritual to kill when there is disaster, it is the ritual to kill in the wild. Whenever a guest dies, a mourning ceremony is made. The guests are in mourning, but they can only accept it slightly. Being mourned by the host country, he was not given food and sacrifices.