There are also people in the south in summer.
There are people in the south of the summer harvest; Yue Juan Liang Shu. He is also a man, stupid and scared. On a moonlit night, overlooking its shadow, I thought it was a ghost; Look up at his hair and find him charming. Walking on your back is better than going home, breathless and dead. Don't be sad! If a mortal has a ghost, it must be decided by his sudden feelings and doubts. The man has nothing because he has nothing, but he has decided to do something. Therefore, if you get wet, feel joint pain, and cook the dolphins with gongs and drums, you will have to pay for the loss of the dolphins, but you will not be blessed by Yuji. So although it is not in the south of early summer, it is no different.
Everyone knows that human nature is also; You can know that things make sense. In order to understand human nature, we can understand the reasons of things, but we can't stop without doubt, so we can't live without poverty. Although the reason is hundreds of millions, it is not enough to change everything and become one with fools. Study, be the eldest son of an old man, and be with a fool. Before I know what's going on, my husband is called a fool. Therefore, if you learn, you will not learn. Stop evil? Say, stop when it's over. Is it enough? Yue: Holy King. Saints also do ethics; The king is the best system; A two-pronged approach is enough for the world. Therefore, scholars take the holy king as their teacher, take the system of the holy king as the cause of action, follow the example of the law and serve their people with the law. Do the right thing and be a scholar; What is the class, the gentleman is also; Knowing it, a saint also. Therefore, knowing what is not to worry about is called fear; If you are brave, you will become a thief. Examining right and wrong is called usurpation; It is known that many abilities are not based on repairing swings; Striving for profit is not to say yes, but to say yes. Chuan said, "There are two things in the world: right and wrong." It is said that the king system is not suitable for the king system. The world doesn't treat right as good, but there are still people who can distinguish right from wrong and save lives.
Husband does not distinguish right from wrong, does not cure right from wrong, does not cure chaos, and does not cure humanity. Although it can benefit people, it cannot harm others; The case will directly treat the blame, play strange words and scratch each other; The case is strong and arrogant, brazen and forbearing, unreasonable and arrogant, arrogant and profitable; Don't give up easily, not pay tribute to festivals, but pass the buck: if you say you are a traitor in troubled times, you can rule the world. Chuan said: "Analysis of words is for inspection, words are for argument, and gentlemen are for honesty." Learning and ambition are not royal, and a gentleman is cheap. "This is also called.
It's not good for success, it's not good for harvest, and it's not good for a few people, so how can you abandon it? Don't hinder yourself, it's a lot of work. I don't want to go, I don't want to come, I have no pity. I moved at that time, and things have to respond. Obviously, it is possible to treat confusion.
Weeks, drain and defeat, the Ming army is gone. Xuancheng, hidden and defeated, there is no dark king. Laojun, Zhou is a slanderer and outspoken; Villains stay away from gentlemen! There is a cloud in the poem: "The ink is bright and the fox is pale." This statement is also very dangerous. A gentleman's way must tell the truth, and a slanderer must be contrary; Gentlemen stay away from villains! The poem says: "Clear sky Wan Li, clear sky Wan Li." This statement is also clear.